About Bhilwara to Nagpur Trains
There are few trains in between Bhilwara and Nagpur, these two cities connects with a distance of 1078 Kilometres. You can travel on weekly basis where trains will be 02 trains will be available. Because of efficient rail connectivity travelling from BHL to NGP Trains is simple and easy.
Bhilwara Railway Station Details
Address: Bhilwara Railway Station, SH 12, Shastri Nagar, Bhilwara, Rajasthan 311001, India
Station Code: BHL
Station Name: BHILWARA
Zone: North Western Railway Zone
Train Frequency Weekly: 106
Station Traffic: Medium
Nagpur Station Details
Address: Nagpur Railway Station, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
Station Code: NGP
Station Name: NAGPUR
Zone: Central Railway Zone
Train Frequency Weekly: 562
Station Traffic: High
Trains from Bhilwara to Nagpur (BHL to NGP)
Train Number | Name | Dep | Arr | Travel |
11204 | Nagpur-Jaipur Express | 21:35 | 19:15 | 21.30hr |
For details regarding to Train Between Stations from Bhilwara to Nagpur, to Spot your Train of Nagpur train, PNR Status of Bhilwara train, for Trains Cancelled/Rescheduled, to know the train Schedule, IR Train Tracking visit National Train Enquiry System Official Website: https://enquiry.indianrail.gov.in
And also https://enquiry.indianrail.gov.in/xyzabc
BHL to NGP Fair Details
- For 3A (Third AC) the fare between Bhilwara and Nagpur is about Rs. 1325
- For 2A (Second AC) the fare between Bhilwara Nagpur is about Rs. 1925
- For SL (Sleeper Class) fare between Bhilwara and Nagpur is about Rs. 485
- For more details regarding Bhilwara to Nagpur Trains Fare information and IRCTC Tickets discount offers Visit: https://www.irctc.co.in
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