Biography of Yogi Adityanath

Yogi Adityanath Profile

About Yogi Adityanath:

Shri Yogi Adityanath belongs to BJP (Bharatiya Janata Party) from Gorakhpur Constituency of Uttar Pradesh. He was born on 5th June 1972 at Panchur of Pauri Garhwal district (Uttarakhand). His father name is Mahant Avaidyanathj Maharaj. He belongs to Nath Sampradayey of Hinduism. He completed B. Sc. from H. N. B. Garhwal University of Srinagar.

Real name of yogi adityanath Shri Yogi Adityanath
Political Party Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)
Consistuency Gorakhpur (Uttar Pradesh)
Yogi Adityanath Date of Birth 05-Jun-72
Place of Birth Panchur, Distt. Pauri Garhwal (Uttarakhand)
Father’s Name Mahant Avaidyanathji Maharaj
Religion Hinduism (Nath Sampradayey)
Yogi Adityanath Education B.Sc. from H.N.B. Garhwal University, Srinagar, Uttarakhand
Religion Hinduism (Nath Sampradayey)
Profession before joining politics Religious Missionary

Important Positions held by Adityanath Yogi:

Important Positions held by Adityanath Yogi
Image Source:
  • In the year 1998, he was the youngest member to be elected at 26 years age to the 12th Lok Sabha.
  • In the year 1998 to 1999, he was the member of Food Committee, Civil Supplies, Public Distribution and its Sub Committee B on Sugar and Edible Oils Department. He was also the member of Consultative Committee and Ministry of Home Affairs.
  • In the year 1999, he was elected again to the 13th Lok Sabha as his 2nd
  • In the year 1999 to 2000, he was the member of Food Committe, Civil Supplies, and Public Distribution. He was also the member of Consultative Committee and Ministry of Home Affairs.
  • In the year 2004, he was elected again to 14th Lok Sabha as his 3rd term as member of Committee on Government Assurances. He was also the member of Committee on External Affairs, Consultative Committee and Ministry of Home Affairs.
  • In the year 2009, he was re-elected to his 4th term to 15th Lok Sabha and is a Member of Committee on Transport, Tourism and Culture.
  • In the year 2014, he was again elected to sixteenth Lok Sabha as his 5th term from Constituency of Gorakhpur.



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