Canada – Most Popular Country in the World

About Canada

Canada ( kanadɑ ) is a country which is located in the North America region. Canada becomes a country on 1 July 1867. It has 3 territories and 10 provinces extend from Atlantic to Pacific and northward into the Arctic Ocean which is covering the area of 9.98 million square km. According to the area, it is the 2nd largest country in the world, the Total Canada area is 9,984,670 km and as the Survey of 2016, the Canada population is 35,151,728. The world’s longest bi-national border located at Canada’s Southern border with the USA. In Canada, the majority of lands are dominated by the tundra and forest. The estimated 2018 Canada country GDP rate is 1.847 trillion for PPP GDP and for Nominal GDP of Canada is 1.798 trillion. Know more about Capital of Canada, Canada Population, and more from website.

The Capital of Canada is Ottawa city and its 3 metropolitan cities are Vancouver, Montreal, and Toronto. Major Provinces in Canada are Ontario, British Columbia, etc.., The Canada climate is ranging as 4 distinct seasons which is very hot summer in the southern region, arctic weather in the northern region. The official language of Canada is English and French languages.

In Canada, you can also find the best merchandise stores like AuctionMaxx, Home Sense and many more. Few Websites list of Canada Services as follows:

Technology and Science

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The Canada Government spent 31.6 billion dollars in the year 2015 for the domestic research and development. The Canada country produced 13 noble laureates in chemistry, medicine, and physics. They also ranked 2nd place in the world in the list of scientific research quality in International scientific survey 2012. Canada is the world’s highest level of Internet access with 33 millions of users which is equivalent to 94% of Canada population.

Canada Education

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Canada is the most educated country in the world, it is reported by the Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development. In the tertiary education for adults, Canada placed the world’s 1st rank in the world, mostly 51% of the Canadian adults are studying in the University degree/Undergraduate college. The country is more educating because of spending 5.3% GDP is only for education. Mostly the Canada government spent 20,000 dollars per a student for a tertiary education. To give the reviews on teachers, Rate My Professor is the best website for reviews, comments and more. Most of the Indian Student love to study in Canada. We can also see many Indians in the Canada Population.

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Canada Sports

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Canada’s official sports are Lacrosse and ice hockey. In the country mostly playing sports and games are tennis, volleyball, bowling, golf, badminton, rugby, skiing, squash, martial arts, equestrian, and Canoeing. The youth of Canada are widely enjoying these type of games and sports.

Canada Languages

In Canada, you can find the multi-language talking people. The official language of Canada is French and English. According to the survey of 2016, 7.3 million people are listed as non-official language people those are Punjabi, Chinese, Arabic, Italian, Spanish, German and Tagalog mother tongue people are living in Canada.

To Get the info on Service Canada, Click Here

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The capital of Canada and Provinces

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Here you can get the list of Canada Provinces along with the Canada Capital and Territories list. To get Canada Population info visit the official website. The Canada map can also be displayed here:

Provinces Capital Territories
Ontario -Toronto Northwest Territories
Quebec -Quebec City Yukon
Nova Scotia -Halifax Regional Municipality Nunavut
New Brunswick -Fredericton  
Manitoba -Winnipeg  
British Columbia -Victoria  
Prince Edward Island -Charlettetown  
Saskatchewan -Regina  
Alberta -Edmonton  
Newfoundland and Labrador -St. John’s

Canada Country Official Website: Click Here

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