About CDMA Telangana
CDMA Telangana stands for “Commissioner and Directorate of Municipal Administration” is the Telangana State government Municipal corporation summit authority including GHMC, GWMC etc. It provides the guidance to the municipal authorities and corporations in performing their activities for day to day in loyalty to the guidelines, policies and procedures provided by the Department of Municipal Administration and Urban Development in order to achieve the effective urban administration.
Structure of Telangana CDMA

Telangana Property Tax
One of the prime sources of collecting revenue in the Telangana State is the Property tax. It includes an assessment of commercial (non-residential) and residential properties that are located within the boundaries of Urban Local Bodies (ULB).
How to Know the House Property Details?
You can know your property details by following the simple steps given below:
1: Firstly visit CDMA Telangana official website http://www.cdma.telangana.gov.in

2: Now mouse over on online services and click on “Property Tax”
3: Then click on “Know Property Details”
4: Subsequently enter the required details like District name, House number, and ULB Name and Assessment Number then click on “Search”.
5: Now you will get the details of your house property.
You can know the House Property Details by visiting here:

Note: It has the web services of Telangana IGRS and NRSC where page loading will take sometime
House Tax Online Payment
You can pay the tax of your house online by following the same above steps instead of clicking know property details click on “Pay Property Tax Online” and enter your Assessment Number (10 digit number) and click on “Get Dues”.
Pay Property Tax Online here: http://epaycdma.telangana.gov.in:8080/ePayPortal/cdma/getYourDues.do

If you have any queries contact to 040 6999 1468 and you can also email to C & DMA web portal support mail: emassupport.ts@cdma.gov.in.
Important Details of Telangana Commissioner and Directorate of Municipal Administration
- CDMA Telangana Website: http://www.cdma.telangana.gov.in
- Telangana CDMA Office Address: Director of Municipal Administration Department 640, AC Guards, MasabTank Opp PTI Building Hyderabad 500 004
- Commissioner and Directorate of Municipal Administration of Telangana Helpline Number: 040-2330-2150
- Telangana Commissioner and Directorate of Municipal Administration Staff Contact Details: http://www.cdma.telangana.gov.in/CDMA_Contacts.html
- CDMA Telangana District wise ULB contact details: http://www.cdma.telangana.gov.in/mc_contacts.html
- Telangana CDMA Corporation Contact Details: http://www.cdma.telangana.gov.in/Corporation_Contacts.html
- Commissioner and Directorate of Municipal Administration of Telangana RDMA (Rural Development Municipal Administration) Contact Details: http://www.cdma.telangana.gov.in/RDMA_Contacts.html
- Honourable Telangana MA and UD Minister: Sri KT Rama Rao