Check Bus, Fare, distance info Online- RSRTC

Check Bus, Fare, Distance information at Rajasthan Road Transport Corporation  – RSRTC:

RSRTC is one of the Biggest road Network in India covering the North-West region of India. A traveler can search for RSRTC bus availability, Bus timings, Bus Fare information, Distance, bus arrival & departure times etc online at Rajasthan Transport Portal.

Procedure to Check RSRTC Bus enquiry online:

  1. Please Visit the official website of RSRTC
  2. Enter the source/starting city name in the box
  3. Then Enter the destination city name
  4. Enter the journey date
  5. At last select the type of bus Service looking for among available like AC Gandhi Rath, AC Sleeper, Deluxe, Luxury etc
  6. Click on Search & see the list of available Buses on the Journey Date selected.
rsrtc bus enquiry online
rsrtc bus enquiry online
check bus availabilty online rsrtc
check bus availabilty online rsrtc

Rsrtc Online Bus Ticket Booking:

RSRTC also providing flexibility to its passengers by extending its services to book Online Bus tickets from your place.

  1. Please visit  
  2. Select the preferable Language.
  3. Register to the RSRTC website to book Bus ticket online
  4. After Registration login to the account with the credentials created & then check options to Book bus ticket
  5. Fill source city, destination city, Journey date, Type of Bus & get a list of Buses available
  6. Select the Bus & enter Your personal details, select the seats(if the option is available)
  7. Pay the ticket amount & get the seat details.
rsrtc online bus ticket booking
Image source:

In case any problems in Online Bus Ticket Booking/Cancellation/Refund, please call our helpdesk
on RSRTC toll-free number 1800-2000-103, 8003491501/02/03/04

Email –

RSTRC Bus Enquiry:

RSRTC Online Bus Ticket Booking:

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