Centre for Materials for Electronics Technology (CMET) – इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स प्रौद्योगिकी के लिए सामग्री केंद्र (सी एमईटी)
The CMET is an autonomous society of the MeitY. C-MET’s activities include manufacturing of thick film substances, polymers for several electronics, semiconductors, specialty glasses and chemicals, electronic ceramics, etc in India. C-MET undertakes R&D projects, technology transfer, technical services, sponsored research, etc.
CMET Services
Centre for Materials and Technology having many services listed here. Following are the services and to get the detailed information on C-MET services, follow the official website.
- Consultancy
- Analysis
- Technology Services
- List of Equipment
Research Works and Development – अनुसंधान कार्य और विकास
CMET Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh) does Research as well as development. They also work on electronic materials, keeping in mind the development of IT and electronics industry worldwide. Funding comes from several international and national agencies.
R&D Activities
- Integrated Electronic Packaging
- Nanomaterials
- Ultra High Purity Materials
- Piezo-sensors and Actuators
- Materials for Renewable Energy
- Electronic Waste & RoHS
Technology Transfer – तकनीकी हस्तांतरण
C-MET continuously engages in taking an active part in technology transfer. It takes up feasibility studies, pilot plant researches, production activities, etc. to make sure they can transfer the technologies to the concerned industry.
Sponsored Research
C-MET enters into partnership programs with several industries for the development of novel materials as well as processes vital for IT and electronic sectors. CMET’s works include suggesting new ideas for projects, new methods and materials, process development, improvement and modification of pre-existing projects, cost reduction and much more.
C-MET Job Vacancies – सी-एमईटी नौकरी रिक्तियों
Here you can find the walk-in details for C-MET. Choose the Position and if you having the required qualification then you can apply for the position. Get the latest job notifications from the Centre for Materials and Technology.
Technical Services
C-MET provides sophisticated testing services and material characterization. You can take the examples of XRD, AAS, SEM-EDAX, GPC, CHONS, GD-OES, HPLC, LCR Measurement, Measurement of Particle Size, Ion Chromatography, etc. It also offers technical services such as supply and synthesis of unique components and materials and even training to employees.
C-MET Pune (Maharashtra) and other centers provide expert advice as well as troubleshooting to the industry. It also yields improvement regarding several everyday problems and interpretation of data.
Centers of CMET
- Pune Laboratory
- Hyderabad Laboratory
- Thrissur Laboratory
CMET Website: Click Here
Phone Number: 020-25898141, 25898390
Fax Number: 020-25898085, 25898180
Email Id: rathnam@cmet.gov.in
Panchawati, Off Pashan Road,
Pune – 411008,