DEO Jagtial – Telangana Educational Department

About DEO Jagtial

DEO means District Educational Officer, DEO Jagtial is responsible for educational, legal activities and Administrative for schools in Jagtial District under the Educational Department of Telangana Government.

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How to Access MDM through DEO Jagtial Website?

You can access MDM (Mid Day Meals) through Jagtial DEO Website by following simple steps given below:

1: Firstly visit DEO Jagtial Official Website

Jagtial deo
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2: Now click on “Mid Day Meals” which is located on the left side of the homepage

3: And then click on “MDM State Website”

4: Now you will be redirected to MDM (Mid Day Meals) website.

You can also visit MDM (Mid Day Meals) scheme website here:

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By following the same procedure instead of MDM click on “RMSA” to access RMSA (Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan) Website.

For RMSA India Website visit here:

RTE (Right To Education)

The RTE (Right To Education) is treated as a human right which recognizes a Right to free and compulsory education for children’s. To know the sections and rules of RTE (Right To Education) of DEO JL District visit here: RTE (Right To Education)

Right To Education
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Important Details of Jagtial DEO

  • Jagtial District Collector Name: A. Sharath
  • DEO Jagtial District Officer Name: S. Venkateshwarlu
  • Jagtial DEO District Officer Contact Number: 9866079277
  • Telangana Education Minister: Kadiyam Srihari
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