Department of Space (DoS) – भारतीय अंतरिक्ष विभाग
The Government of India (भारत सरकार) established the Department of Space which is accountable for the administration of the space programs of India. DoS manages various institutes and also agencies which have a connection to space technologies and space exploration. Get info on PSLV, SDSC Shar, ISAC, ISRO and also more.
The space programs that the Department of Space monitor intends to promote not only the development but also the application of space technology and space science for the economic and also social benefit of India. It has two massive satellite systems, namely, INSAT and also IRS. Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle or PSLV is DoS’s satellite launch vehicle.
History of the Department of Space
The Indian Government gave the responsibility of conducting space research peacefully to the Department of Atomic Energy in the year 1961. The Department of Atomic Energy established the Indian National Committee for Space Research or INCOSPAR in 1962. Dr. Vikram Sarabhai was the chairman at that time.
In 1962, the Government established the Indian Space Research Organization. After constitution of the Space Commission, the Union Government of India created the Department of Space in the year 1972. Since 1st June of the same year, ISRO is under the administration of the Department of Space.
Schemes, Programmes, and also Missions
Here, you can find the list of schemes launched by Space department in different states. The Government of India is responsible to administrate the space programs in India. Get the list of schemes, programs and also PSU centers of DoS like PSLV, SDSC Shar, and also more from here:
- Bhuvan – Gateway of Indian Earth Observation
- Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre – LPSC, Indian Space Research Organisation – ISRO, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
- MOSDAC – Meteorological and Oceanographic Satellite Data Archival Centre, ISRO
- NRSC – National Remote Sensing Centre, Hyderabad, Telangana
- SAC – Space Applications Centre
- VSSC – Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, Thiruvananthapuram, Tamil Nadu
- VEDAS – Visualization of Earth Observation Data and Archival System
Agencies and also Institutes managed by the Department of Space
Let us have a look at some of the institutes, offices, divisions, as well as agencies that work under DoS in different states of India. Get the Department of Space services in the below are as follows:
Subordinate Offices
Autonomous and also Apex Institutions
- NARL – National Atmospheric Research Laboratory
- North Eastern Space Applications Centre
- Semi-Conductor Laboratory – SCL
- MCF or Master Control Facility
- SPL – Space Physics Laboratory, Department of Space, Government of India (GOI)
Academies and Institutions
- Indian Centre for Space Physics, Kolkata, West Bengal
- IIRS – Indian Institute of Remote Sensing
- Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology (IIST), Thiruvananthapuram
- PRL – Physical Research Laboratory, Department of Space, Ahmedabad, Gujarat
Divisions, Units, and also Wings
- ISAC – ISRO Satellite Centre, Bengaluru, Karnataka
- LEOS – Laboratory for Electro-Optics Systems, ISRO, Bengaluru
- SDSC SHAR – Satish Dhawan Space Centre SHAR
The SDSC SHAR located in AP State of India.
PSUs and Joint Ventures
- Antrix Corporation Limited
Department of Space Website:
Phone Number: +91 80 22172465 / 22172264 / 22172260
and also Email Id:
and also know Address Info:
Administrative office, ISRO,
Antariksh Bhavan,
New BEL Road,
Bangalore – 560 231,
Updated on 12/11/2018