e Courts AP – District Courts of Andhra Pradesh

e Courts AP

eCourts project conceptualized on the basis of National Policy and Action Plan for Implementation of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Judiciary 2005 of India submitted by the Supreme Court of India. The eCourts website displays the various court’s information in the states. Here, you can get about the Andhra Pradesh State and it’s e Courts AP services. The eCourts Andhra Pradesh is an official website of the Andhra Pradesh District Courts. You can also get eCourts AP Case Status from Andhra Pradesh Courts Website.district court of Andhra Pradesh

eCourts AP Case Status

To get the AP court case status along with the cause list/Daily Board and court orders information, the person needs to have any of the following details. Then he can get the review of the case details in online through the eCourt Andhra Pradesh District Courts website.

  • Case Number
  • Act
  • Party Name
  • Case Type
  • FIR Number
  • Advocate Name
  • Case Code

By considering the above of the details, you can get the case details online. The District Court is the major court to deal with the cases from the villages, regional and local places. If the case finds an issue to close transferred to the higher authority of the court.ap court case status

If the Case finds an issue on closing at AP Districts Court then having an option to transfer the cases to High Court of Judicature at Hyderabad

Here, you can find the list of the AP District Courts, click on your district and know more about the court and case details.

  1. eCourt Hyderabad City Small Cause Court

  2. Metropolitan Criminal Court Hyderabad Sessions Court

  3. City Civil Court Hyderabad

  4. eCourts Krishna

  5. eCourts Guntur

  6. e-Courts Visakhapatnam

  7. eCourts Prakasam

  8. eCourts Anantapur

  9. e-Courts Chittoor

  10. eCourts East Godavari

  11. eCourts Nellore

  12. e-Courts Prakasam

  13. eCourts Srikakulam

  14. eCourts Vizianagaram

  15. e-Courts west Godavari 

  16. eCourt Krishna

  17. eCourt Kurnool

  18. e-Court Kadapa

Andhra Pradesh District Courts Website: https://districts.ecourts.gov.in/ap

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