Ericsson is a international telecommunications and networking business. The Company offers software services, infrastructure services and communications technology for intercommunicate operators. According to market values in 2012, Ericsson had 35% of market share in 2G/3G/4G mobile networking services.
The communication technology increasing rapidly day by day, through the mobility services Eric sson providing the equipment and software services.
Sub-Organization of: Investor AB
Established Date: 7 February 2012
Nerve Center: Stockholm, Sweden
Founder’s Name: Lars Magnus Ericsson
CEO: Borje Ekholm
Categories: Mobiles, Broad band networks, Telecommunications, Consultancy services.
Employee Size: 1,05,852+
Current Status: Active
Funding Stats: Initial Public Offering – IPO
Recent Funding Type: Post-IPO Quality
Corporation Type: Profit Base
Ericsson company operates 180 countries with 1 lakh+ employees. To explore the sales of its media business, in June 2017 Ericsson hired Morgan Stanley.
Ericsson Vision:
Ericsson vision is to reach the complete network society, each and every person and industries is authorized to reach their potential service. The company lead through mobility services to reach the transformation of success. For that they are following 3 ways of principles,
- empowering persons through technological service
- Sustainable development through advanced society
- To Deliver more value on transmitting the industries
Managing Techniques of Ericsson Business:
Here, Ericsson is going to make the reality world through Network Society, this services can be benefit to each and every connected people. By using the IoT (Internet of Things) we forming the new technological world, it is most important to choose Ericsson career. For that company provides the best software and equipment services and also great operational tools for business and network services.
The Business Services:
- Customer first
- Channel partners
- Our business
- Standardization
- Ericsson Ventures
- Quality work
- Security work
Inclusion and Diversity:
Ericsson has almost 10,000+ employees with their ideas and experience services providing the innovation ideas for success. Join with Inclusion and Diversity with the Ericsson. To apply, visit Ericsson Careers. The Ericsson Employee of the Diversity position has the major strength to grow up the business.
Corporate Governance and Sustainability:
It describing the set of customs, policies, laws and processes which effecting how Ericsson id directed or controlled. To control a company, it also makes the Decision making system through directly or indirectly.
Board members electing the shareholders and also they having the responsible strategies to deal the company. At the general meeting of Ericsson shareholders, they have a chance to make decision on Ericsson company.
The Ericsson’s approach to sustainability to focus on Responsible business, technology for good and for circular economy.
International Expansion:
The Swedish market reached the target in 1890’s. Ericsson decided to expand their business services foreign markets with no. of agents in UK, Russia countries. Later other countries were interested with Ericsson Products.
Ericsson New Technologies:
1. 5G Technology from Ericsson: On Network Society, 5G is the foundation for expanding their services. The 5G Services is the new move to the internet world. If we build the 5G Network, enables the more security with the on demand virtual networks.
2. IoT Technology: It transforms the business with new innovation ideas from end to end capabilities business knowledge. We have a new growth with the IoT Services . Ericsson is expertise in IoT security and connectivity services. Many opportunities are their for Internet of Things technological service.
– IoT Technological Services:
- IoT Connectivity
- IoT Security
- IoT Monetization
- IoT Accelarator Platform
ICT Security: The ICT (Information Communication Technology) is a digitalization of business it bringing the huge opportunities in career and also it will lead an increase of risk too. To handle the data of ICT infrastructure it is even more critical.
Ericsson Experience Centers List:
- Silicon Valley
- Dallas
- India
- Stockholm, Sweden
- Gothenburg, Sweden
Ericsson Website Address:
Ericsson Facebook:
Ericsson Twitter:
Ericsson Customer Care Number: +46 10 719 00 00
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