How to do a Business Registration in Ontario

Business Registration in Ontario

If you have a corporation and you have not registered its name or are thinking about opening a business but you have no idea of business name registration, you should get to know what you have to do. Find out the requirements and procedures behind a Business Registration in Ontario below. Here you can also get all Canada related services as well. Get to know about Business License Ontario to Register a Business. Visit the official website to get more info on Register Business Ontario from here.

What does Business Registration in Ontario mean?

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The names of businesses are registered with the Central Production and Verification Services Branch (CPVSB) of the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services (MGCS). Names are placed for public disclosure on the Public Record maintained by CPVSB. The registration must be renewed every 5 years before its expiration date.

Who has to register under the Business Names Act?

The process explained above applies to the following cases: sole proprietorship carrying on business under a name which is not the individual’s full name; partnerships carrying on business under a firm name which is not full names of the partners; corporations with a business name which is different from their corporate name; an existing general partnership or limited partnership registering a business whose name is different from the registered firm name; extra-provincial limited liability partnerships; extra-provincial limited liability companies; and limited liability partnerships.

Where can I do a Register Business Ontario?

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Business Registrations in Ontario can be done and searched in Service Ontario in different ways. It can be done online on Service Ontario, by filling a form and providing personal information and information about the business, or at Business Registration Online (BRO), where you will also have to fill an application form. You can also do it in the public computers located at Service Ontario centers, or by mail, sending the information and documents required to the following address: ServiceOntario, P.O. Box 1028 Station B, Toronto ON  M5T 3H3.

You can also do the registration in person at the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services. And You can go from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm on business days. You can also submit your application by mail to the Verification Services Branch of the ministry. The address you must send your application to is Central Production and Verification Services Branch, Ministry of Government and Consumer Services, 393 University Avenue, Suite 200, Toronto ON  M5G 2M2.ontario business registration

Remember to check if the name you want to use is available before the registration.

Master Business License Ontario

The fees you must pay will depend on the way you do the application, if you do it online, in person, through a service provider or by mail.

Once your application approved, the Central Production and Verification Service Branch will assign a number to your Business Registration in Ontario, which called Business Identification Number (BIN).

The website for Business Registration in Ontario:
Business Registration in Ontario Toll-Free Number: 1-800-565-1921
Register a Business Ontario Toronto Number: 416-314-9151
Ontario Business Registration TTY: 416-325-3408
Business Registration in Ontario TTY Toll-Free Number: 1-800-268-7095
Register Business Ontario Email id:
Ontario Business Registration Mailing Address:
Central Production & Verification Service Branch,
Ministry of Government & Consumer Services,
393 – University Avenue, Suite 200,
Toronto ON – M5G 2M2.
Business Registration in Ontario Headquarters: 
Ministry of Economic Development & Growth,
8th Floor, Hearst, 900 Bay Street,
Toronto ON – M7A 2E1,
Toll-Free Number: 1-866-668-4249
Toronto Toll-Free Number: 416-325-6666

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