Screenshots are useful for many situations, as to save a bank transfer data, or to explain details from your computer to somebody remotely, to save a conversation from the social media or simply to take from internet an image you liked. It is necessary to know all the possible ways to take mac screenshots, so you can do all of this and more. Here we teach you all the possible ways to take Screenshots on Mac.
1. How to take a screenshot on mac of the whole screen?
It is pretty simple. The easiest way to take Screenshots on mac is using the keyboard’s shortcuts. So for you to take a screenshot from the whole screen you only need to press this key combination:
Command + Shift + 3
Automatically your mac will save an image in PNG format with all the content you can see on the screen in that precise moment.
2. How to take a partial screenshot mac?
Partial Screenshots are perfect when we want just a little portion of what we are seeing in the screen, like a paragraph of text or an image from a web page, and we don’t want to spend time editing the full-screen screenshot.
To take partial screenshots on mac you just have to use another keyboard’s shortcut, similar to the one we used to take the screenshot of the whole screen, but changing the last key that you must press. The combination would be this:
Command + Shift + 4
After doing this, your mouse will transform to an Aim Cross, so you can use it to make a rectangle over the screen, pressing the left click and dragging the aim cross until you encompass all the image or text you want in your screenshot. Then you release the click and it is done! Your mac will save automatically your screenshot as a PNG image.
3. How to take a screenshot from just a Window?
Sometimes we don’t want to capture the whole screen nor do we want to capture just a portion; but the perfect option to cover our needs is to take a screenshot from just a window of the mac.
To achieve this we follow the previous steps we used to take the partial mac Screenshot, which are the next keyboard’s shortcut:
Command + Shift + 4
But now, instead of drawing a rectangle with the mouse aid cross, we will click over the window we want to capture. Thus, automatically your mac screenshot will be saved with just the image of the window you selected.
To get the Info on Windows Screenshot Process: Click Here
4. How to take a Screenshot of the Touch bar in MacBook Pro?
The touch bar tool of the MacBook Pro is another screen just like the main one, so you can make screenshots from it too.
To make a Screenshot in mac of the Touch Bar you only need to press this keyboard combination:
Command + Shift + 6
And it’s done!! You have a saved PNG file with the image of your MacBook Pro Touch Bar.
5. Where are saved my mac Screenshots?
You don’t need to search any deeper, your Mac Screenshots are saved by default in your desktop, in PNG format, and in the same resolution of your Screen.
6. Can I send my screenshot just to the clipboard and then past it to a document?
Sure you can. To send your screenshot to the clipboard instead of saving it automatically as a PNG file you need to add one more key to the keyboard’s shortcut you used before. Now you should press one of these three combinations:
Control + Command + Shift + 3
(to take a Full-screen Screenshot)
Control + Command + Shift + 4
(To take a partial Screenshot, o a Window Screenshot)
Control + Command + Shift + 6
(To take a Screenshot from the Touch Bar)
Now your Screenshot is saved in the Clipboard. If you want to past it in a Text document or on another image editor program, you just need to press the common Keyboard Shortcut to past anything on Mac:
Command + V
7. How can I take a screenshot on mac Preview tool?
This tool is pretty useful to select the ROUTE OF SAVING and the FORMAT of the Screenshot you are about to take, and it is quite simple too.
Image Source:
To make a Screenshot using the Mac Preview you just need to follow this 4 simple Steps:
- Open your mac’s Preview
- Go to the Tab “File” and click it.
- In the drop-down menu, stand on top of the “Take a Screenshot” option
- From the new sub menu, select the Screenshot option you prefer: From Selection, From Window, or From Entire Screen.
After you make your Screenshot, a window will appear on your screen so you can select all the details of your Screenshot before saving it. There you choose where to save it and in which format: Jpg, Png, Tiff, PDF, and others.