How to take Screenshots on Windows

Do you want to take a capture of a conversation with a friend and you don’t know how? Or do you want to take a screenshot to the whole screen so you can show your technician about some issue, but you don’t want to have to download any program to achieve it? Don’t worry, Windows allows a lot of methods to take Screenshots in an easy and quick way, and we are about to help you, telling you exactly how to take screenshots on Windows.

1. How do I take a Screenshot of the Whole Screen?

The easiest method to take a Screenshot on Windows is using a Keyboard’s Shortcut. The Keyboard Shortcut that makes screenshots on Windows is this one:


This Key is often located next to the ScrLk and the Pause Keys, on the up-right side of the keyboard. When you press the PrtScn Key, Windows will automatically save in the clipboard the capture from your whole screen.

If you are using a Laptop instead of a Desktop computer, you probably should press this key among to the Funtion Key. It would be like this:

Function (Fn) + PrtScn

2. How to take a Screenshot of a Single Window?

If you don’t want to take a Screenshot from the whole Screen, but want a Screenshot from a single Window, you only have to follow two simple steps:

  1. Select the window you want to Screenshot.
  2. Use the next Keyboard’s Shortcut to take the capture:

Alt + PrtScn

(If you have a Desktop computer)

Alt + Function + PrtScn

(If you have a laptop)

And then Windows will automatically make the Screenshot from the Window you selected and save it into the clipboard.

Get the Info on taking the Screenshot in Mac: Click Here

3. How can I take a Screenshot of a Specific Area?

This option is only available if you are using the Windows 10 Creators Update version or a more recent one.

To make a Partial Screenshot on Windows 10 Creators Update, you just need to use an easy Keyboard’s combination of keys, which is:

Windows Logo Key + Shift + S

The system screen will look as if grayed out & mouse pointer will change, so then you have to click, hold and drag the mouse, drawing a rectangle over the area you want to capture. When you release the click, the area you selected will appear on your Clipboard as a Windows Screenshot.

4. How to save the Windows Screenshot in paint or Word?

Every Screenshot you make will be at the clipboard for just a limited time. If you don’t take the precaution of saving every Windows Screenshot, it will be replaced as soon as you take a new Screenshot, or when you copy any text or image. Also, it can disappear from the clipboard when you re-start your computer or when you change the Windows User.

So, to save you Screenshots you count on two easy options. You can use the Paint tool, or the Microsoft Word program to paste and save your Screenshots.

Open a new document of any of those two programs, and then you just have to use the next combination of Keys:

Control + V

Your Screenshot will automatically paste over the new document, and now you only need to save it in the common way.

If you choose to save it with Paint, you can select the FORMAT to your Screenshot, so you can save your Screenshot as a Jpg, Png, Gif, Tiff, and others.

5. Can Windows save automatically the Screenshot as a File?

Sure it can, but only if you are using Windows 8 or 10.

So you can make a screenshot on pc and save it automatically as a File, you need to press the next Windows Keyboard’s Shortcut:

Windows Logo Key + PrtScn

(In desktop computers)

Windows Logo Key + Function + PrtScn

(In Laptop Computers)

Now your Windows will automatically take a Screenshot of your Entire Screen and will save it as a JPG file inside of your Pictures > Screenshots folder

6. Using the Snipping Tool to take Screenshots

With the Windows Snipping tool you will be able to take screenshots of any place in your screen. You can draw a rectangle over any window and save it as a screenshot.

The Windows Snipping tool is located in the next Route:

Windows Logo Key > All Apps >

Windows Accessories > Snipping Tool

Now you can edit the options of the screenshot by clicking in the arrow next to the “New” button. Select your settings and draw the rectangle or the form of your choice. Once the area is selected, an editing window will pop up. There you can save your screenshot.

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