About Hyderabad to Vijayawada Trains
There are many trains in-between Hyderabad and Vijayawada, these two cities connect with a distance of 373 km. You can travel on a daily basis where 01 train is available from HYD to BZA, you can also travel on a weekly basis where 04 trains will be available. Because of efficient rail connectivity traveling from Hyderabad (HYD) to Vijayawada ( BZA) is simple and easy.
Hyderabad to Vijayawada Trains Fare Information
- The Hyderabad (HYD) to Vijayawada (BZA) fare for other express trains including Mumbai LTT is Rs. 210 for sleeper class (SC), Rs. 560 for AC 3 – tier and Rs. 800 for AC 2 – tier coaches.
- The Hyderabad (HYD) to Vijayawada (BZA) fare for super fast trains including Gowthami Super Fast Express is Rs. 250 for sleeper class (SC), Rs. 645 for AC 3 – tier, Rs. 895 for AC 2 – tier and Rs. 1,499 for AC first-class coaches.
- Children who are below 12 years of age and senior citizens can get discounted fares.
- For more details regarding Hyderabad (HYD) to Vijayawada (BZA) Trains Fare information and IRCTC Tickets discount offers Visit: https://www.irctc.co.in
Trains from Hyderabad (HYD) to Vijayawada ( BZA)
Train No. | Train Name | Type of Train | From Hyde
-rabad |
Hyderabad Platform No. | Dep arture Time | To
Vijaya wada |
awada Plat Form No. |
Arrival Time |
12796 | Secunderabad – Vijayawada Inte | SF | SC* | 1 | 05:30 | BZA* | 8 | 10:45 |
12774 | Secunderabad – Shalimar AC SF | ACSF | SC* | 2 | 05:40 | BZA | 4 | 11:10 |
17406 | Krishna Express | Exp | SC | 6 | 06:05 | BZA | 1 | 12:55 |
12806 | Janmabhoomi Express | SF | SC* | 2 | 07:10 | BZA | 6 | 13:20 |
12706 |
Secunderabad – Guntur SF Inter |
SF | SC* | 1 | 07:40 | BZA | 10 | 13:30 |
11019 | Konark Express (PT) | Exp | SC | 2,6 | 08:00 | BZA | 1 | 14:00 |
18646 |
East Coast Express (PT) |
Exp | SC | 1 | 10:20 | BZA | 5 | 16:30 |
17202 | Golconda Express | Exp | SC* | 3,5,6 | 13:00 | BZA | 6 | 19:55 |
12704 | Falaknuma Express (PT) | SF | SC* | 1 | 15:55 | BZA | 5 | 21:25 |
12714 | Satavahana SF Express | SF | SC* | 6,8 | 16:15 | BZA* | 3 | 22:10 |
17016 | Visakha Express (PT) | Exp | SC* | 2 | 16:50 | BZA | 5 | 22:50 |
12728 | Godavari SF Express (PT) | SF | SC | 1 | 17:40 | BZA | 7 | 23:05 |
12764 |
Padmavati SF Express (PT) |
SF | SC* | 1 | 18:30 | BZA | 4 | 00:30 |
12760 | Charminar SF Express (PT) | SF | SC | 1 | 18:55 | BZA | 5 | 01:00 |
17016 | Kacheguda – Visakhapatnam Special | Exp | MJF | 3 | 19:07 | BZA | – | 02:00 |
12740 | Secunderabad- Visakhapatnam Garib Rath | GR | SC* | 1 | 20:30 | BZA | 1 | 01:40 |
18520 |
Mumbai LTT (Kurla) – Visakhapa… |
Exp | SC | 2 | 21:05 | BZA | 6 | 03:20 |
12738 | Gowthami SF Express (PT) | SF | SC* | 1 | 21:15 | BZA | 7 | 03:00 |
20810 | Nagavali Express (PT) | SF | SC | 8 | 21:50 | BZA | 5 | 03:40 |
17256 | Hyderabad-Narasapur Express | Exp | SC | 1 | 22:10 | BZA | 1,7 | 04:35 |
12750 | Bidar – Machilipatnam SF Express | SF | SC | 2 | 22:30 | BZA | 4 | 04:25 |
12710 |
Simhapuri SF Express (PT) |
SF | SC* | 10 | 22:55 | BZA | 5 | 04:20 |
17214 | Nagarsol – Narsapur (Via Warangal | Exp | SC | 8 | 23:20 | BZA | 0 | 06:20 |
For details regarding to Spot your Train of HYD to BZA, Train Between Stations of Hyderabad (HYD) to Vijayawada (BZA), for Trains Cancelled/Rescheduled, PNR Status of Hyderabad Vijayawada, to know the train Schedule, IR Train Tracking visit National Train Enquiry System Official Website: https://enquiry.indianrail.gov.in
And also https://enquiry.indianrail.gov.in/xyzabc
For Return from Vijayawada (BZA) to Hyderabad (Hyd), Know the complete information of the Trains between Hyderabad and Vijayawada