.in domain – .in डोमेन
.com is the most commonly used domain name worldwide. Netizens of each country always Desire to get a domain name which identifies their nationality. .in domain connects your website with the citizens of India. On the historical day of February 16, 2005, general public received .in domain which went on to become the most popular domain name in India. IN registry offers these Domain India names. IN registry operates under the guidelines of National Internet Exchange of India (NIXI). The .IN Registry works under MeitY (Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology)
A few head-turning facts about IN registry which would surely inspire you to get domain India for your business
- .in domain name is also available in 15 regional languages which assist you in connecting with semi-urban and rural customers having lesser knowledge of English.
- Since 2004 more than 2 million website owners have registered their business under the .in domain.
- If you are looking for a .in domain for your company/ organization, you can choose from any of the 120 IN registry providers operating in this country.
- in offers Domain registration India that is equally compatible with ipv4 and IPv6 web hosting Technologies. Domain India websites work fine on DNS servers as well.
Other vital services offered by the registry.in website (रजिस्ट्री)

1. The willing applicant can search for his desired domain name using this web portal.
2. One can register for .in domain easily. One has to log in to this website, https://registry.in.
3. The complete list of all IN registrars operating in this country is available on this website.
4. One can also find out the details of Internationalised Domain Names (IDN). If you want to name your website in local languages, find out the registration process on registry.in site.
5. You can find prescribed fees for different types of domains on this website.
Internationalized Domain Names
IDNs are the domain names which represents in local language characters. The domain names contain non-ASCII scripts. The INRRegistry responsible for IDN registering in India languages.
The IDN has displayed in 7 Indian languages to NIXI.
Internationalized Domain Name ( IDN ) | Scripts | supported Languages |
.भारत | .Bharat in Devanagari Script | Hindi, Dogri, Konkani, Sindhi-Devanagari, Maithili, Bodo(Boro), Marathi, and Nepali |
.ভারত | .Bharat in Bengali Script | Bengali and Manipuri |
.భారత్ | .Bharat in Telugu Script | Telugu |
.ભારત | .Bharat in Gujarati Script | Gujarati |
. بھارت | .Bharat in Arabic Script Script | Urdu |
.இந்தியா | .Bharat in Tamil Script | Tamil |
.ਭਾਰਤ | .Bharat in Gurumukhi (Punjabi ) | Punjabi |
Many hosting companies offer a free .in domain on specific terms and conditions. If you want to get a .in domain free, you can contact the leading website hosting companies and check out relevant YouTube videos for more information.
.IN Announcements
In the following links, you can find the details of the Careers, Schemes & Promotions of the .in domain.
Registry.in Policies:
Registry.in Website: https://registry.in
Phone Number: +91-11-4644-8888
Email Id: registrantsupport@registry.in
Telephone Number 1: +91-11-48202011
Telephone Number 2: +91-11-48202000
Fax Number: +91-11-48202013
Email: registry@nixi.in
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/nixiindia
Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/inregistry
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nixiindia
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/inregistry
.IN Registry
c/o National Internet Exchange of India (NIXI)
Registered Office: 6c, 6D, 6E Hansalaya Building 15, Barakhamba Road,
New Delhi,
Pincode: 110001,