IRCTC tourism services & Luxury tourist trains

IRCTC tourism services & Luxury tourist trains

IRCTC launched the IRCTC Nget was recently launched by Indian Railways, earlier it was IRCTC Next Generation website to get all updates on PNR status, train seat availability, checking Train Fare, train route maps, number of stations between the source & destination stations, tatkal ticket booking, premium tatkal booking, using quota options while booking the tickets, etc all can be done at IRCTC.

so here we have gathered all possible useful information about IRCTC Railways so that anyone can contact them if any issue regarding railway booking, seat reservation, seat availability and much more. Get more about the IRCTC Tourism from here.

Railway Tourism is the major part in the IRCTC services, where it provides many tourism services in Domestic packages and International packages, Holiday packages, Retiring Rooms in Trains. The Maharajas and Mahaparinirvan trains are more popular in the Indian Railway Tourism. You can also check the IRCTC Tourism Gallery for the latest pictures from Indian Railways.

Indian Railways additional Services:

1. Indian Rail tour Packages: Indian railways apart from general services also plan several holiday tour packages all over India. You can browse all tour package information from here.

2. IRCTC air packages: Now book flight tickets online at IRCTC Flights. Anyone can book domestic, international flight tickets at IRCTC website.

Visit IRCTC Flights and book flights with low convenience charges.

4. IRCTC e-bed roll: Now no need to carry blankets & pillow in train journey because now Indian Railways started e bedroll so use this e bed roll service online at IRCTC.

5. IRCTC accommodation: Are you planning to take rest or need some time to relax before journeying in the train then Book IRCTC hotels, lounge or retiring room online at IRCTC.

6. IRCTC Cab booking: Book online cab at irctc and also get coach & porter service by simply entering the PNR number. IRCTC Ola Cab is offering promo codes, coupons for the Railway passengers.

7. E-catering at Indian Railways: IRCTC Tourism department also providing the major service like IRCTC E-Catering

8. Booking e-wheel chair: This service is especially for senior citizens or physically challenged persons.

Special Luxury Tourist Trains in India:

1. Maharaja’s Express

2. Mahaparinirvan Express :

3. Bharath Dharsan:

4.     Special Heritage Trains : 

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