The NCERT (National Council of Educational Research & Training) is an autonomous institution established on 1 sept 1961 in India. It works under Scientific, Charitable, and Literacy Society under Societies Registration Act of ACT XXI of 1860.
The program launched by the (MHRD) Ministry of Education. NCERT headquartered in Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi. you can get more about the ITPD NCERT Courses for Teachers, NCERT CIET, NROER Videos, etc..,
The NCERT is an administration business for the Bilateral Cultural Exchange programmes with other countries in School Education.
National Council of Educational Research and Training also works in the cooperation with visiting the foreign delegations, and international organizations and also offering many training facilities to educational personnel from the developing countries.
Here is the list of major component units of the NCERT in regions of India as follows:
- NIE – National Institute of Education, New Delhi
- CIET – Central Institute of Educational Technology, New Delhi
- PSSCIVE – Pandit Sundarlal Sharma Central Institute of Vocational Education, Bhopal
- Regional Institute of Education, Ajmer
- RIE – Regional Institute of Education, Bhopal
- The Regional Institute of Education, Bhubaneswar
- RIE – Regional Institute of Education, Mysore
- NERIE – North-East Regional Institute of Education, Shillong
The CIET (Central Institute of Education Technology) is an autonomous institute formed as the nodal business under the NCERT (National Council of Educational Research and Training) for promoting the use of MMT (Mass Media Technology) for improving and also expanding the best education at elementary or school level. This NCERT CIET launched by the MHRD in India.
NCERT Courses for Teachers
All National Teachers are required the continuous content & education remediate to address the diverse needs of the children in the respected classrooms. So the children learning skills can improve easily.
The NCERT program ITPD (In-service Teacher Professional Development) course an opportunity for teachers to get the training online as per their requirement with the continuous adviser support from the experts and also educationists. NCERT Courses for Teachers integrates the concerns which regard adolescent learners, gender, ICT, etc..
To know the course details and also more information visit, and you can get the list of courses available.
Mainly, the course offered for the Science teachers at Upper Primary, Secondary Stage. Teachers can also train on Environmental studies for the Primary level children. Every course contains NROER Videos about the text, module, links, and also assessment questions for extended learning.
NCERT Website:
Contact Number: 011-26864801-810
Email Id:
Address Info:
NCERT Campus,
Sri Aurobindo Marg,
New Delhi – 110016,
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