List of State Cooperative Banks (SCBs) in India

State cooperative banks in india– the pinnacle of three-tier cooperative banking in a particular state

Cooperative banking has managed a reasonably firm footing in the banking sector predominated by commercial banks. These are the apex form of cooperative banks operating in a particular state. RBI issues separate licenses for State Cooperative banks. They are regulated by the State Cooperative societies act and Banking regulation act, 1949.


Distinct features of state cooperative banks

  • Being the apex bank, they do not lend money directly to its lenders. They supply an indirect credit facility by financing Central cooperative banks and primary cooperative societies.
  • It arranges capital in the form of shares, loans to primary cooperative societies, deposits with the RBI and overdraft facility provided by the latter.
  • State Cooperative banks are the sole custodian of cooperative banking services in a particular state.
  • At present, there are 33 State Cooperative banks in India like Andhra Pradesh state cooperative bank ltd, Chhattisgarh state cooperative bank ltd, etc.


Primary functions of state cooperative banks in India 

  1. It is the only watchdog of cooperative banking in a particular state.
  2. Supplies necessary credit to primary cooperative societies and district level cooperative banks at the time of financial crisis.
  3. The link between RBI and cooperative banks of a particular state.


List of State Cooperative Banks – SCBs

1 Andaman and Nicobar State Co-operative Bank
2 AP State Co-operative Bank
3 Arunachal Pradesh State Co-operative Apex Ban
4 Assam Co-operative Apex Bank
5 Bihar State Co-operative Bank
6 Chandigarh State Co-operative Bank
7 Chhattisgarh Rajya Sahakari Bank Maryadit
8 Delhi State Co-operative Bank
9 Goa State Co-operative Bank ltd
10 Gujarat State Cooperative Agriculture and Rural Development Bank Lt.
11 Gujarat State Co-operative Bank
12 Haryana State Co-operative Apex Bank
13 Himachal Pradesh State Co-operative Bank
14 Jammu and Kashmir State Co-operativ Bank
15 Jharkhand State Co-operative Bank
16 Karnataka State Co-operative Apex Bank Bangalore
17 Kerala State Co-operative Bank
18 Madhya Pradesh Rajya Sahakari Bank Maryadit
19 Maharashtra State Co-operative Bank
20 Manipur State Co-operative Bank
21 Meghalaya Co-operative Apex Bank
22 Mizoram Co-operative Apex Bank
23 Nagaland State Co-operative Bank
24 Odisha State Co-Operative Bank
25 Pondichery State Co-operative Bank
26 Punjab State Co-operative Bank
27 Rajasthan State Co-operative Bank
28 Sikkim State Co-operative Bank
29 The Tamil Nadu State Apex Co-operative Bank
30 Telangana State Co-Operative Apex Bank Limited
31 Tripura State Co-operative Bank
32 Uttar Pradesh Co-operative Bank
33 Uttarakhand State Co-operative Bank
34 West Bengal State Co-operative Bank


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