10 Most stunning Migratory Birds in India

Migratory Birds in India

India is a winter residence for Siberian birds like Demoiselle Crane birds-Flamingo birds & Siberian Cranes birds also having many Migratory Birds return to India.


In the first place, The Siberian Cranes birds are looks White Colour migrate throughout the winter season to India. These birds are Omnivorous & breeds in arctic tundra are available in Russia & Siberia.migratory birds

Amur Falcon Bird

Amur Falcons bird is a Small beast of prey which breeds in Siberia & Migrates to South Africa at time migration largest flock over the Arabian Sea. The Amur Falcon birds eat food from Doyang lake at Nagaland State at early morning in a winter season.migratory birds in india

Greater Flamingo bird

The Greater Flamingo birds are the longest bird as compare with all Species of Flamingo family. These birds are also seen in India. The migrated bird was seen in Nal Samovar bird Sanctuary as well as Khijadiya Bird Sanctuary.siberian birds

Demoiselle Crane

The Demoiselle Crane migrating birds spend their life in Winter Season Only in India. These are different types of small Species lives in various Environment include desert areas. Demoiselle Crane was also mostly seen in Khichan Village which located in Rajasthan State.birds migration

Blue Throat Bird

Bluethroat birds look very small having brightly Colour. The Bluethroat birds coming to thrush family it spends winter season in North Africa. Keoladeo National Park is also one of the places traveling birds coming from India.migratory birds names

Black Winged Stilt birds

Black Winged Stilt birds having a long legs wader bird regular it comes to India. Generally, these birds found in Wetland .the birds having the following different names of Black-winged stilt, Black-necked Stilt-White head stilt & White black head stilt. We can see these birds in Black Winged Stilt birds in Pune shallow lakes located in Maharashtra State and water ponds in Gujarat State.names of migratory birds

Blue Tailed Bee Eater

Blue Tailed bee-eater these migratory bird seen seasonally in India Subcontinent. These birds are splendidly colors nearby Passerine birds breeds at farmland.Migratory Birds in India

Bar Headed Goose birds

Bar Headed Goose birds are having top flying birds in World & migrate in the winter season in India. We can also see the birds in Keoladeo National Park in the wetland of India.

Rosy Starling Bird

Rosy Starling birds are looks in black head & tail with having body passerine bird from startling family. It spends winter season in the following states of  Telangana stateKarnataka State Kerala and Andhra Pradesh.

Great White Pelican Bird  

Pelican Bird also called as rosy pelican having a long beak with large throat pouch these birds are distributed at Northwest of India. The White Pelican Bird migrating in the winter season and settles at Assam state and Uttar Pradesh.

To Get more information Visit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_birds_of_India


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