Mission Kakatiya Scheme – Govt. of Telangana

Mission Kakatiya is a scheme for Re-storing the lakes and irrigation tanks in Telangana state. This program is helping to renew the 46000+ tanks and many lakes, storing the 265 TMC water from all over the state for 5 years. To analyze & monitor the tanks, maintaining a geospatial database and geotagging system.

Importance of the Tanks in State

The Tanks are the lifeline of the Telangana state. Most of the people from 10 districts are dependent on the tanks. For the Agricultural use, Telangana govt made tank irrigation by storing the water.

To know the details and Construction Procedure of Mission Kakatiya then you need to click the following link: https://missionkakatiya.cgg.gov.in/jsp/manual.pdf

In Telangana, the construction of the tank has been started in the time of the Satavahana era and construction of the tanks had been completed during the Kakatiya era. The Tanks like Pakhala, Bayyaram, Ramappa, Ghanapuram tanks were built by Kakatiyas.

Tank Adaption for Mission Kakatiya

The Telangana Government took the prestigious scheme known as Mission Kakatiya for restoring the Minor irrigation sources in Telangana state. The many caste people like Dhobi, Farmers, Fisherman, and Gouds are dependent on the tanks. This scheme is adapting the tanks and helping the people.

Get the Guidelines details of the Tank Adaption and Donation/Contribution information, visit: missionkakatiya.cgg.gov.in/tankAdopt

The Govt offering the Adaption of tanks by interested people/NGOs/NRIs and more. The scheme got a good name from all over India. Many people have supported this scheme and adapting the tanks.

If you want to Adapt a Tank in your area then get the Registration form on clicking the below link, visit: https://missionkakatiya.cgg.gov.in/getRegForm

To get the information of your Tank Adaption on entering your registration ID, for more details Click here: https://missionkakatiya.cgg.gov.in/tankAdaptTypes

To know the information of your Tank Details, click the below link and enter your details as there mentioned, visit: https://missionkakatiya.cgg.gov.in/tankAdapt

Get the All details of the Adopted Tanks and Donor information on the Mission Kakatiya scheme, visit: https://missionkakatiya.cgg.gov.in/selfExecutionDonarDetails

The Adopters of Tanks and contributors have met the officials for supporting the prestigious scheme, visit: https://missionkakatiya.cgg.gov.in/photosRedirect

Mission Kakatiya Contact Information

Office Employee Name Phone Number email id
Chief Engineer, Minor Krishna –Basin Konkimalla Suresh Kumar 9963624141 ceminorts@gmail.com/ cemikbts@gmail.com
CE, Quality Control of Hyderabad. Bethu Venkateshwarlu Not Known Not Known
CE, Minor Godavari-Basin Karampuri Shyam Sunder 8498056555 ceminorgodavari@gmail.com

Mission Kakatiya Website: https://missionkakatiya.cgg.gov.in

Mission Kakatiya Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MissionKakatiya

The Mission Kakatiya Twitter: https://twitter.com/missionkakatiya

Mission Kakatiya Email id: mailto:feedback.missionkakatiya@gmail.com

Mission Kakatiya Contact Number: 040-23472233 

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