The National Commission for Women – NCW

National Commission for Women (NCW) – राष्ट्रीय महिला आयोग

The Government of India (भारत सरकार)  set up the National Commission for Women as the Indian Government’s statutory body in India. Indian Government established it in January 1992. The Government of India (GOI) abides by the principles of the Constitution of India as it states in the National Commission for Women Act of 1990. The Ministry of Women and Child Development (MWCD)administrates this Commission, and its primary purpose is to advise the Union Government on multiple policy issues that affect the lives of women in the nation.national commission for women

History of the National Commission for Women and its Chairpersons

The First National Commission for Women took place on 31st January, in the year 1992 and Mrs. Jayanti Patnaik was its Chairperson. The year of the constitution of the next Commission was in 1995 and the month was July. Dr. Mohini Giri became the Chairperson this time. The Third Commission came into existence in January, in 1999 with its Chairperson, Mrs. Vibha Parthasarathy. The Fourth’s Commission’s Chairperson was Dr. Poornima Advani and its year of formation was 2002. In 2005’s February, Dr. Girija Vyas became the Chairperson of the Fifth Commission.

Functions of the National Commission for Women

The National Commission for Women or NCW performs several activities for the betterment of the position of women in the Indian society. Here is a list of some of its functions:indian penal code pdf

  • It examines and investigates all issues related to safeguarding the rights of women as stated in the Indian Constitution
  • NCW prepares annual reports and recommends the government about how it can improve the situation of women in India
  • It revives existing laws and suggests amendments as well as remedial legislative steps for serving the interests of Indian women
  • It also makes sure that women can get their rights, and they feel safe in our country
  • For the criminal law, the court drafted National Indian Penal code 1860, on the recommendation of the 1st law commission of india.

Child Marriage Actchild marriage act

In India, Child Marriages were in vogue among several communities. Therefore, the government deemed it necessary to pass the Child Marriage Act with the intention of preserving the fundamental right of children to grow and become mature before getting married. If a man gets married before he turns 21 and a woman gets married before she turns 18, we call it child marriage.

Mental Health Act 1987mental health act 1987

The Indian Government passed the Mental Health Act 1987 on 22nd May to amend and consolidate the law related to care and treatment of persons who are mentally ill as well as make appropriate provisions regarding their affairs and property. Before the Mental Health Act, India had the Indian Lunacy Act of 1912.

Maternity Benefit Actmaternity benefit act

The Government of India passed the Maternity Benefit Act in the year 1961 to monitor employment of women employees working in all parts of India. According to this Act, a pregnant woman gets paid maternity leave for 12 weeks as the maximum duration of the holiday.

Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005domestic violence act 2005

The Parliament of India introduced the Domestic Violence Act 2005. They introduced this act with the intention of protecting women who are victims of violence at home. This Act broadly defines domestic violence, something that the Indian Penal Code’s section 498A does not address in detail, find those details in the IPC PDF). Any victim can approach the ‘Service Provider’ or the ‘Protection Officer’ under the law and file her application. The victim can also seek justice. They have to file a criminal complaint against the oppressor. Both a wife and a live-in partner (female) can take advantage of this law if anyone subjects her to physical, economic, emotional, sexual and verbal abuses.

For women protection, you can also find many acts, those are listed in the below:

  • Dowry Prohibition Act 1961
  • Indian Evidence Act
  • Family Court Act
  • Workmen Compensation Act

National Commission for Women Website:
Complaints Number: 011-26944880, 26944883
EPABX Number: 011-26944740, 26944896, 26942369, 26944754, 26944805
Email Id:
Address Info:
Jasola Institutional Area,
New Delhi – 110025,

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