National Educational Testing – NET

National Education Testing

NET – National Education Testing Bureau of University Grants Commission Conducts Test for the Eligibility of Lectureship and also to know and give the award for the Junior Research Fellowship. UGC conducts NET in order to provide minimum Standards in the Teaching Professionals.

This test will be conducted based on topics like Forensic, social sciences, Humanity, Electronic, computer, and Environmental Sciences.

Similarly, CSIR – Council of Scientific and Industrial Research of UGC Conducts the Test UGC –  CSIR NET on the Other Science Subjects.

National Education test
National Education test

Firstly, the UGC  started these two tests from the year 1984. But the Indian government gave Notification for the test to be conducted in the year 1989 for the eligibility of  Lectureship. These tests will  conducted Twice in a year in June and December.

Eligibility Criteria For UGC

UGC selects among the meritorious members who are qualified in the Eligibility Test.

Eligible for UGC NET
Eligible for UGC NET

NET Bureau

In the NET Bureau site, you can find the All the Results, UGC question papers, Marks List, Syllabus, Notification details and also E- Certificates from the Official website of the UGC.

UGC NET web site
UGC NET web site

Contact Us



Phone: 011-24115419,24115423.

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