Online Application for Vivah Hetu Anudan Yojana in UP

Vivah Hetu Anudan Yojana Scheme:

Vivah Hetu Anudan Yojana is a social welfare scheme in Uttar Pradesh State. It is changed as Putriyon ki Shadi Hetu Anudan Yojana. It is run by the Social Welfare Department of Uttar Pradesh Government. Under this welfare scheme, the government of Uttar Pradesh offers Rs. 20,000 as financial assistance for girls’ marriages and also up to Rs. 10,000 as medical assistance.

This Scheme applicable and also served to only for the families whose income annually below the line of poverty irrespective of their caste and category. All people of all categories like SC, ST, minority, OBC and general are covered under Putriyon ki Shadi Hetu Anudan Yojana Scheme.

Apply online for Vivah Hetu Anudan Yojana:

Apply online for Vivah Hetu Anudan Yojana
Image Source:

From April 2016, applications invited for Vivah Hetu Anudan Yojana through online modes. About 2 lakh applications expected by the Uttar Pradesh Government from all categories.

Procedure for Online Application of Vivah Hetu Anudan Yojana:

Follow the below procedure to apply online for Putriyon ki Shadi Hetu Anudan Yojana or Vivah Hetu Anudan Yojana.

STEP 1: The interested candidates based on their category need to visit the following the links.

  1. SC, ST and General Categories:
  2. OBC Candidates Application:
  3. Minority Category Application:

STEP 2: After clicking on the concerned link, an application form will open in a new page and.

STEP 3: Enter all the mandatory details in the form including applicant details, and marriage details, details of annual income and also details of bank account of any banks under social control.

Online Application of Vivah Hetu Anudan Yojana:
Image Source:

STEP 4: The Candidate need to upload the photocopies of following documents in PDF/JPG format along with the form of application.

  1. Firstly, Self-attested photograph of applicant and his daughter (who is going to  a bride).
  2. Applicant’s Aadhaar card and
  3. Certificate of Age of daughter (who is go to be a bride).
  4. Marriage card/certificate photocopy and
  5. Lastly, A photocopy of a daughter’s bank account passbook.

STEP 5: The size of PDF and also photo should be between 1-40 KB and 1-20 KB respectively.

STEP 6: If the candidate benefited by any pension scheme in the state, the person need not require filling the details of income; rather the registration number require

P 7: The Candidate need to submit the application form printout and within 30 days, he/she must collect the receipt after online form submission from the Social Welfare Officer’s and also Office of District.

To avail the benefits, Online Application for this Scheme after or before 90 days of marriage.

To know the complete details of the Scheme, visit:


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