Ontario – Canada


Ontario (ɔ̃taʁjo) is one of the 13 provinces & territories of Canada which is located in the East central of Canada. The city has lived nearly 40% of the Canada population which is the province of Ontario is most popular in Canada. It is also the 2nd largest province in the area. The area is 4th largest in their total area which including the territories of Nunavut and Northwest Territories. The city is the Home for the National Capital city of Canada, Ottawa. The Toronto is also the provincial capital of Ontario Canada.

As per the survey of 2016, the population is 13,448,494 with the density of 14.5 km. The city’s official language is English and the GDP rate is 763.276 billion dollars. The Ontario Flower is White Trillium, Ontario Tree and Bird is Eastern White Pine and common loon. The city of Canada can sometimes divide into 2 regions as Southern Ontario and Northern Ontario.



In Canada country, the education falls under the provincial jurisdiction. Ontario Ministry of Education is administered by the secondary school and the Public funded elementary and the universities and colleges are administered by the Ontario Ministry of the Training, College, and Universities. The Education Minister is Mitzie Hunter and the Ministry of the Training, Colleges, and Universities is Reza Moridi.

The Toronto city is the centre for the country financial services and the banking services. Where the other cities are home to IT centres, product distribution, and many manufacturing industries. Canada’s Federal Government is the largest single employer in the National Capital Region which is located in the Quebec’s Gatineau and Ontario’s Ottawa.


Image Source: i-ambiente.es

The city is Canada’s best manufacturing province and its trading partner is the American state of Michigan. The city accounting for 52 percent of the national manufacture shipments in the year 2004. The GDP is twice then the Quebec City. In the manufacturing sector, the economy is playing an important role.


The Map along with the municipality areas can be listed below: 

The 10 largest Municipalities by the Population are listed in the below: 

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