About PHMED Telangana
PHMED Telangana stands for “ Public Health and Municipal Engineering Department Telangana ” is the Department of Municipal Administration and Department of Urban Development. In the Telangana State, it investigates, designs and also executes the Schemes of Water Supply and Sewerages belonging to all the Municipal Corporations. It also undergoes Technical works belonging to the engineering in the Municipal Corporations and Towns. Similarly, for Rural areas, the Telangana State Government has introduced RWSS Telangana in order to supply water in the villages.

The Schemes of Water Supply and Sewerages completion it handed over to the Corporations of Municipalities of GHMC, GWMC etc for the execution and maintaining.

Telangana PHMED Works
The following are the works (or) Services of Telangana PHMED:
- In order to approve the Municipal works designs
- In order to finalize the municipalities tenders technically
- The Schemes of Water Supply and Sewerages should be inspected periodically
- In order to sanction to the estimates
- In order to check the works measurement which operated by the Municipal Engineers of grade 2 and grade 3
- For, In ULB’s (Urban Local Bodies) the water supply bye-laws in order to approve

Public Health and Municipal Engineering Department Telangana Vision and Mission
The following are the Vision and Mission of Public Health and Municipal Engineering Department Telangana:
In order to provide the Supply of Water in 24/7 to all the Urban Local Bodies
PHMED TS Mission
- In order to Provide UGD in all Municipal Corporations
- In order to Provide Water Supply daily in all Urban Local Bodies

TS PHMED Schemes
The following are the Schemes of TS PHMED:
- Mission Bhagiratha
The above Schemes of TS PHMED will explain briefly in the following:
TDMP stands for “Telangana Municipal Development Project” is a Telangana State Government Project which has implement with the help of World Bank
AMRUT stands for “Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation” is the scheme launched by the Government of India for Smart City Mission in order to improve the life quality of the people by investing in the cities
Mission Bhagiratha
Mission Bhagiratha is the Telangana Flagship Program launched on 06th Aug of 2016. It is the Project of Telangana Drinking Water Supply in order to provide adequate, safe and sustainable drinking water in all the urban districts of Telangana State

Important Details of Public Health and Municipal Engineering Department Telangana
- PHMED Telangana Website: http://publichealth.telangana.gov.in
- Telangana PHMED Engineers Contact Details: http://publichealth.telangana.gov.in/getInfo.do?dt=3&id=3&oId=11
- PH and ME Department Telangana Circle Officers Contact Details: http://publichealth.telangana.gov.in/getInfo.do?dt=3&id=3&oId=12
- PHMED TS Division Officers Contact Details: http://publichealth.telangana.gov.in/getInfo.do?dt=1&id=3&oId=13
- PHMED TS Head Office: THE ENGINEER-IN-CHIEF, Public Health, A.C. Guards, Hyderabad – 500004 Telangana (India).
- Telangana PHMED Helpline Number: (040) 23391208, (040) 23302234
- PHMED TS Support Mails: enc_gen_phmed@telangana.gov.in, eicphts@gmail.com
- Honorable Telangana Urban Development Minister: Sri KT Rama Rao
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