About Public Service Commission
Public Service Commission was established based on the Constitution of India. There are two types of PSC. One is for the union which is known as UPSC, and the other one is mainly for the individual states. Almost every state of our country has special state public service commission like TSPSC, TNPSC etc. This Public Service Commission of India strictly follows the rules of the Constitution. All the acts including composition of the commission, the appointment and removal related procedures, power of the members, and also the functions of the commission are also based on the rules and regulations mentioned in the Constitution.

The union public service commission or Delhi public service commission mainly arranges different examinations to recruit on different services throughout India. In any disciplinary matters, it also advises the President. Similarly, the state public service commission conducts the examination to recruit for the state services, and it can instruct the state head of any disciplinary matter.
The headquarters of UPSC is in New Delhi. The name of the centre is Dholpur House. It was established in 1926. Earlier it was known as Federal Public Service Commission. Later the name had changed. It became UPSC after Independence.
The History of the PSC
In India, Royal the Commission has established by the British Government. The chairman of this commission was Lord Lee of Fareham. In that committee, there were equal British and Indian members. This commission led to the establishment of the PSC. The first chairman of this commission was Sir Ross Barker. The functions of this commission were nominal at that time. The initiative of the freedom fighters was remarkable to give it recognition. Delhi public service commission of India got the constitutional status in 1950.
The functions of Public Service Commission of India
The primary function of PSC is in order to conduct exams for the recruitment of different service in all states of India. It can assist two states together if the situation occurs to do that. Mainly Delhi PSC frames and operates different State Government Schemes related to recruitment.
Some of the additional services of this commission are the following:
- It controls all the method of recruitment regarding the appointment in several civil posts.
- State PSC does various recruitment related procedures.
- It also controls the promotions of the employees and also transfers from one sector to another.
- They also look after the suitability of the interested candidates regarding transfer, appointments, and promotions.
- Securing different posts of civil service is also the responsibility of Delhi public service commission of India as per requirement.
- It looks after all the disciplinary matters regarding the civil servants. If there is any difficulty, they can also lodge petitions or memorials.
- Different claims by the civil servants investigated by State public service commission.
- Any award or any compensation related issues also controlled, managed by this commission.
- If any particular case needs to handle, Delhi Public service commission also advises the President in disciplinary matters.
Important Details of PSC
- UPSC Official Website: http://www.upsc.gov.in
- PSC Minister: Sri Narendra Modi