RTI and Indian Passport

How to Submit an RTI for Information on Your Indian Pаѕѕроrt?

Even in these times of the ubiquitous Aadhaar Card, the Indian Passport is still a very important official document that serves Indian nationals or Indian-origin people while flying to and from other countries. It is issued by the Government of India, and works as an international proof of address, identity and nationality. Any Indian citizen can place a request at the Indian Passport Office for disclosing some important information that falls under his right in the Right to Information (RTI) Act.

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How to Get Information on Passport via RTI Act?

If you wish to get information on your Indian Passport through the RTI (Right to Information) Act, you have to send a petition through electronic means or in writing to the Chief Public Information Officer of the Ministry of External Affairs CPV Division.

However, this means that all your demographic details, such as your travel details, schooling or speech can be given to a third party if you record to obtain an RTI for such information.

Image Source: www.thebigsauce.com

Here are some stepwise instructions on the best ways to submit a Right to Information for details in your local Passport Office / CPV.


  • You have to pay a program fee in case there has been search for information beneath Sub-section (1) of Part 6.
  • If you want to search for any details beneath the Right to Information Act in Passport / CPV, you have to pay 10 INR as Passport Fee.
  • Once you file the RTI program in the CPV Division in New Delhi, in Patiala House, Banker’s Check / Demand Draft or money can be used to pay the commission. When you file the RTI program online, through the website of the RTI web portal, you have to pay the program fee online through Debit Card / Credit Card / Internet Banking or a substitute.

Additional Fees:

There will be an additional fee charged, for information being searched under the Subsections 1 and 5 of Section 7.

Image Source: static1.squarespace.com

RTI (Right to Information) under Section 7’s Subsection 1:

  • 2 INR per web page, for each page duplicated or generated in newspaper of A4 size
  • Actual cost, for samples or models
  • Actual cost, for copies in paper of a larger size
  • For document reviews – No charge during the 1st hour, and then 5 INR per hour
  • 50 INR per floppy or diskette, for information that is offered via the same
  • Cost fixed for the publication for details that are offered through print media
  • 2 INR per cent page that is extracted in the required book, for details that are offered by print

The payment mode is expected to be similar to the Program Fee.

In case additional fees are needed, the jurisdiction concerned will specify the requirement for the payment of additional fee for you. Then, you should deposit the amount that is needed. The authority will produce the details that are accessible following the verification of the reception of further fees.


  • You can file an appeal to the Appellate Authority when you are unable to have a decision made in the time that is mentioned in Section 7’s subsections 1 and 3.
  • You have to file the Right to Information program within a span of 30 days of the instances mentioned above.
  • You need to follow the proper format, with filing directions being followed well. You are expected to send your RTI application to the Public Information Officer or the Chief Public Information Officer.
  • You can also register RTI online at the RTI India website or the RTI Online website.
Image Source: rtiindia.org

Application Format of an RTI Application which is to be sent to PIO (Public Information Officer) or CPI (Chief Public Information Officer)


The Chief Public Information Officer (or) / Public Information Officer

CPV Division/ Regional Passport Officer/ Passport Officer

1. Full Name of the Applicant (in capital letters)

_______________________________ Fill out your name here, as it appears in official records like Driving License, Birth Certificate, etc.

2. Father’s / Husband Name (in capital letters) _______________________________ Fill out this information here, as it appears in official records like their Passports . Do not include if no Father’s Name / Husband’s Name is available.

3. Complete address _____________________________

_____________________________ Fill this out with the same address as appears in your passport, and on other identity + address proof documents.

Pin code_____________________________

4. Telephone No. Office ________ Res.____________ Mobile ______________ Fill in the number on which you can be contacted at any time of the day.

5. Whether belong to BPL category (if yes, please attach a copy of the BPL / Antyodaya ration card (please tick) Yes ___No____ to claim waiver of the application fee)

6. Details of Application Fee / Additional Fee:- (Application Fee – Rs.10/-; Addl. Fee – @Rs.2/- per page for A-4 size paper created or copied, by Cash, DD/BC/IPO to be drawn in favour of ‘Accounts Officer, Ministry of External Affairs, if the application is submitted at the CPV Division, Patiala House, New Delhi or Passport Officer’ payable at local office where the application is submitted:

– Cash Receipt/

– DD/Bankers

– Cheque / IPO No

– Date Name of the issuing

– Bank/Authority

Amount (Rs.)_______

7. Particulars of information required (please enclose separate sheet, if required, indicating specific details of information required and the preferred medium i.e. inspection, photocopy, softcopy, etc.)

Write the required information here.


I state that the information sought does not fall within the restriction contained in Section 8 & 9 of the RTI Act and to the best of my knowledge it pertains to your office.



Details of all Public Information Officers (PIO), Regional Passport Officers (RPO), Appellate Authority, and Central Public Information Officer(CPIO).

As on 9th June of 2014, these are the details and contact information of RTI Officers

  1. Central Public Information Officer  Shri Jagpal Singh,Section Officer (CPV-RTI) & CPIORTI Section, CPV Division,Ministry of External Affairs,Patiala House Annexe, Tilak Marg,New Delhi -110001.

    Telephone: 00 91-11-23381051

    Fax: 00 91-11-23388648


  1. Appellate Authority                       Shri Muktesh K. PardeshiJoint Secretary (PSP) & Chief Passport Officer,Ministry of External Affairs,Room No. 20, Patiala House Annexe, Tilak Marg,New Delhi – 110001Tel No: +91-11-23387013

    Fax: +91-11-23782821


  1. Regional Passport Officer / Chief Public Information Officer for Ahmedabad                                  

Shri Zaigham Ali Khan,Regional Passport Officer

Opposite L.D. Engineering College Hostel,

University Road,

Gulbai Tekra,

Ahmedabad – 380 006.

Tel No: 079-26309103

Fax: 079-26309118

E-mail: rpo.ahmedabad@mea.gov.in

  1. Regional Passport Officer / Chief Public Information Officer for Amritsar                                       

Shri J.S. Sodhi,Regional Passport Officer,

2nd – 4th Floor, S.C.O. 110,

Raj Tower,

District Shopping Complex,

Ranjit Avenue,

Amritsar -143 001.

Tel No: 0183-2506251

Fax: 0183-2502104/08

E-mail: rpo.amritsar@mea.gov.in

  1. Regional Passport Officer / Chief Public Information Officer for Bangalore

Shri P.S Karthigeyan, RPO8th Block, 80 Feet Road,


Bangalore -560 095.

Tel No: 080-25706146

Fax: 080-25706124

E-mail: rpo.bangalore@mea.gov.in

  1. Regional Passport Officer / Chief Public Information Officer for Bareilly

Shri. Ram Singh,Regional Passport Officer,

Vikas Jyoti Commercial Complex,

II and III floor,BDA Building,

Priyadarshini Nagar,

Bareilly -243 122.

Tel No: 0581-2311874

Fax: 0581-2302031(F)

E-mail: rpo.bareilly@mea.gov.in

  1. Regional Passport Officer / Chief Public Information Officer for Bhopal

Shri. Manoj Kumar Rai,Regional Passport Officer,

I.S.B.T. Main Building,

Mezzanine Floor,

In front of Sanchi Dugdh Sangh,

Hoshangabad Road,

Habibganj, Bhopal – 462 024.

Tel No: 0755-2602998

Fax: 0755-2602996

E-mail: rpo.bhopal@mea.gov.in

  1. Regional Passport Officer / Chief Public Information Officer for Bhubaneshwar

Smt. Padma Mohanti,Regional Passport Officer,

A-119 Unit-VIII, Nayapalli,

front of CBI Office,

Bhubaneswar – 751 012.

Tel No: 0674 – 2564470

Fax: 0674-2564460

E-mail: rpo.bbsr@mea.gov.in

  1. Regional Passport Officer / Chief Public Information Officer for Chandigarh

Shri Rakesh Aggarwal,Regional Passport Officer,

SCO 28-32, Sector 34-A,

Chandigarh -160 022.

Tel No: 0172-2624728

Fax: 0172-2601863

E-mail: rpo.chandigarh@mea.gov.in

  1. Regional Passport Officer / Chief Public Information Officer for Chennai

Shri K. Balamurugan,Regional Passport Officer,

Rayala Towers No. 2 and 3,

IV Floor, Old No. 785,

New No. 158, Anna Salai,

Chennai -600 002.

Tel No: 044-28206253

Fax: 28220678

E-mail: rpo.chennai@mea.gov.in

  1. Regional Passport Officer / Chief Public Information Officer for Chennai

Shri K. Balamurugan,Regional Passport Officer,

Rayala Towers No. 2 and 3,

IV Floor, Old No. 785,

New No. 158, Anna Salai,

Chennai -600 002.

Tel No: 044-28206253

Fax: 28220678

E-mail: rpo.chennai@mea.gov.in

  1. Regional Passport Officer / Chief Public Information Officer for Cochin

Shri R.O. Sunil Babu,Regional Passport Officer,

Panampilly Nagar PO,

Cochin – 682 036.

Tel No: 0484-2322660

Fax: 0484-2310915

E-mail: rpo.cochin@mea.gov.in

  1. Regional Passport Officer / Chief Public Information Officer for Coimbatore

Shri. S. Sasikumar,Regional Passport Officer,

First Floor,

Corporation Commercial Complex,

Opp. Thandumariamman Koil,

Avinashi Road,

Coimbatore -641 018.

Tel No: 0422-2301415

Fax: 0422-2306660

E-mail: rpo.cbe@mea.gov.in

  1. Regional Passport Officer / Chief Public Information Officer for Dehradun

Shri V. S Pandey,Regional Passport Officer,

12, New Road, Aroma Hotel,

Dehradun -248 001.

Tel No: 0135-2652160

Fax: 0135-2652161

E-mail: rpo.dehradun@mea.gov.in

  1. Regional Passport Officer / Chief Public Information Officer for New Delhi

Dr. Aman Puri,Regional Passport Officer,

Hudco Trikoot-3,

Bhikaji Cama Place, R.K.Puram,

New Delhi-110 066.

Tel No: 011-26184000

Fax: 011-26161783

E-mail: rpo.delhi@mea.gov.in

  1. Regional Passport Officer / Chief Public Information Officer for Ghaziabad

Shri Sitaram Yadav,Regional Passport Officer,

CGO Complex-1,

Hapur Road, Hapur Chungi,

Kamala Nehru Nagar,

Ghaziabad -201 002.

Tel No: 0120-2701211

Fax: 0120-2782770

E-mail: rpo.ghaziabad@mea.gov.in

  1. Regional Passport Officer / Chief Public Information Officer for Guwahati

Smt. Ajungla Jamir,Regional Passport Officer,

Rani Bagan, Basistha Road,

3rd Byelane,

Guwahati -781 028.

Tel No: 0361-2220606

Fax: 0361-2260101

E-mail: rpo.guwahati@mea.gov.in

  1. Regional Passport Officer / Chief Public Information Officer for Hyderabad

Smt. Ashwini Sattaru,Regional Passport Officer,

D.No.8-2-215 to 219,


Secunderabad -500 003.

Tel No: 040-27715115

Fax: 040-27705656

E-mail: rpo.hyderabad@mea.gov.in

  1. Regional Passport Officer / Chief Public Information Officer for JaipurShri Vivek Jeph,Regional Passport Officer,J-14, Jhalana Institutional Area,Jhalana Doongri,Jaipur-302 051.Tel No: 0141-2221414

    Fax: 0141-2710219

    E-mail: rpo.jaipur@mea.gov.in

  1. Regional Passport Officer / Chief Public Information Officer for JalandharShri. Harmanbir Singh Gill,Regional Passport Officer,Ambika Towers, 2nd – 3rd Floor,14- Police Line Road,Jalandhar-144 001.Tel No: 0181-2222355

    Fax: 0181-2236567

    E-mail: rpo.jalandhar@mea.gov.in

  1. Regional Passport Officer / Chief Public Information Officer for Jammu

Shri Rajinder Gupta,Regional Passport Officer,

Aquaf Trust Building, Opposite

Gandhi Nagar Hospital,

Gandhi Nagar,

Jammu -180 004.

Tel No: 0191-2433359

Fax: 2435279

E-mail: rpo.jammu@mea.gov.in

  1. Regional Passport Officer / Chief Public Information Officer for Kolkata

Smt. Geetika Srivastava,Regional Passport Officer,

4 Brabourne Road, 1st floor,

Kolkata -700 001.

Tel No: 033-22345678

Fax: 033-22254762

E-mail: rpo.kolkata@mea.gov.in

  1. Regional Passport Officer / Chief Public Information Officer for KozhikodeShri K.P. Madhusoodanan,Regional Passport Officer,Eranhipalam Post,Kozhikode – 673 006.Tel No: 0495-2766936Fax: 0495-2765470

    E-mail: rpo.kozhikode@mea.gov.in

  1. Regional Passport Officer / Chief Public Information Officer for LucknowShri R.N Rai,Regional Passport Officer,Passport Bhawan, Vipin Khand,Gomti Nagar,Lucknow -226 010.Tel No: 0522-2305134

    Fax: 0522-2305129

    E-mail: rpo.lucknow@mea.gov.in

  1. Regional Passport Officer / Chief Public Information Officer for Madurai

Shri S. Manishwara Raja,Regional Passport Officer,

Bharathi Ula Veethi,

Race Course Road,

Madurai -625 002.

Tel No: 0452-2526525

Fax: 0452-2522070

E-mail: rpo.madurai@mea.gov.in

  1. Regional Passport Officer / Chief Public Information Officer for Malappuram

Shri P. Ramakrishnan,Regional Passport Officer,

Intercity Arcade, Downhill Post,

Malappuram -676 519.

Tel No: 0483-2739704

Fax: 0483-2739705

E-mail: rpo.malappuram@mea.gov.in

  1. Regional Passport Officer / Chief Public Information Officer for Mumbai

Smt. Swati Kulkarni,Regional Passport Officer,

Manish Commercial Centre, 216-A,

Dr. Annie Besant Road, Worli,

Mumbai-400 025.

Tel No: 022-24934973

Fax: 022-24935275

E-mail: rpo.mumbai@mea.gov.in

  1. Regional Passport Officer / Chief Public Information Officer for Nagpur

Shri C.L.Gautam,Regional Passport Officer,

CGO Complex, B-Block, First Floor,

Seminary Hills,

Nagpur – 440 006.

Tel No: 0712-2511741

Fax: 0712-2511740

E-mail: rpo.nagpur@mea.gov.in

  1. Regional Passport Officer / Chief Public Information Officer for Panaji

Shri. Agnelo Fernandes,Regional passport Officer,

Passport Bhavan, EDC Complex,


Panaji – 403 001.

Tel No: 0832-2437601

Fax: 0832-2437603

E-mail: rpo.panaji@mea.gov.in

  1. Regional Passport Officer / Chief Public Information Officer for Patna

Shri P.M.Sahai,Regional Passport Officer,

D-Block, Maurya Lok Complex,

Patna – 800 001.

Tel No: 0612-2207378

Fax: 0612-2227972

E-mail: rpo.patna@mea.gov.in

  1. Regional Passport Officer / Chief Public Information Officer for Pune

Shri Atul M. Gotsurve,Regional Passport Officer,

MSFC Building,

270 Bhamburda, S.B.Marg,

Opp. Symbiosis College,

Pune – 411 016.

Tel No: 020-25675419

Fax: 020-25679961

E-mail: rpo.pune@mea.gov.in

  1. Regional Passport Officer / Chief Public Information Officer for Raipur

Shri C.P. Yadav,Regional Passport Officer,

1st Floor, Commercial Complex,

Sector – 4,

Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyay Nagar,

Raipur – 492 010.

Tel No: 0771-2263920

Fax: 0771-2263923

E-mail: rpo.raipur@nic.in

  1. Regional Passport Officer / Chief Public Information Officer for Ranchi

Shri Sanathan,Regional Passport Officer,

3rd floor, The Galaxia Mall,

Near Piska More,

Uphaar Cinema Campus,

Ratu Road,

Ranchi -834 005.

Tel No: 0651-2443607

Fax: 0651-2282030

E-mail: rpo.ranchi@mea.gov.in

  1. Regional Passport Officer / Chief Public Information Officer for Shimla

Shri Rajesh Sharma,Regional Passport Officer,

3rd Floor, Railway Board Building,

Near SBI, The Mall,

Shimla-171 003.

Tel No: 0177-2650070

Fax: 0177-2658648

E-mail: rpo.shimla@mea.gov.in

  1. Regional Passport Officer / Chief Public Information Officer for Srinagar

Shri Firdous Iqbal,Regional Passport Officer,

c/o Hotel Lake Breeze,

Boulevard Road,

Srinagar -190 001.

Tel No: 0194-2452405

Fax: 0194-2451224

E-mail: rpo.srinagar@mea.gov.in

  1. Regional Passport Officer / Chief Public Information Officer for Surat

Shri Nitya Nand,Regional Passport Officer,

Near Grahak Bhawan,

Opp. Police Quarters, Umra,

Surat -395 007.

Tel No: 0261-2331861

Fax: 0261-2331863

E-mail: rpo.surat@mea.gov.in

  1. Regional Passport Officer / Chief Public Information Officer for Thane

Shri T D Sharma,Ag. Passport Officer,

MIDC Building, Vardaan Sankul,

Wagle Estate,

Thane – 400 604.

Tel No: 022-25832818

Fax: 022-25829434

E-mail: rpo.thane@mea.gov.in

  1. Regional Passport Officer / Chief Public Information Officer for Trivandrum

Smt. C.B Zoya,Regional Passport Officer,

SNSM Building, Karalkada Junction,


Trivandrum – 695 024

Tel No: 0471-2460132

Fax: 0471-2461132

E-mail: rpo.trivandrum@mea.gov.in

  1. Regional Passport Officer / Chief Public Information Officer for Trichy

Shri Lingusamy S,Regional Passport Officer,

Municipal Water Tank Building,

W.B. Road,

Trichirappalli – 620 008

Tel No: 0431-2706622

Fax: 0431-2707515

E-mail: rpo.trichy@mea.gov.in

  1. Regional Passport Officer / Chief Public Information Officer for Visakhapatnam

Shri N.L.P. Choudhry, RPONear P.F. Office, Beside Rythu Bazar,

Marripalem VUDA Lay out,

NAD Post,

Visakhapatnam -530 009.

Tel No: 0891-2745747

Fax: 0891-2745748

E-mail: rpo.vizag@mea.gov.in

For RTI Application Details, Appeals and Replies Please Visit Indian Passport Official Website: http://passportindia.gov.in/AppOnlineProject/statusTracker/fetchRTIDtls

You can Track RTI Status by entering RTI Reference Number and to Track RTI Status Please Visit Indian Passport Official Website: http://passportindia.gov.in/AppOnlineProject/online/rtiStatusTracking

For More Details Regarding How to Submit an RTI for Information on Your Indian Pаѕѕроrt Please Visit Indian Passport Official Website: http://www.passportindia.gov.in

If you have any queries visit: http://passportindia.gov.in/AppOnlineProject/online/faqServicesAvailable

Indian Passport Customer Care Number: 1800 258 1800

Indian Passport  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PassportSeva

Indian Passport Twitter: https://twitter.com/passportsevamea

Disclaimer: This website is not affiliated with official Indian Passport website in any way. This article had been written with the help of reference sites. Visiting this site confirms that you are accepting all terms and conditions.

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