Samajik Suraksha Pension Yojana in Rajasthan

 Samajik Suraksha Pension Yojana in Rajasthan –सामाजिक सुरक्षा पेंशन योजना

The state government of Rajasthan launched a pension scheme named as SamajikSuraksha Pension Yojana. The Departments of Empowerment and Social Justice encouraged this scheme. The program for retirement made for the purpose to financially help more people no matter what is the status of their physical health, age or other concerns.

These programs are designed to help people get money when they get to retire from their work. This financial help let them get more from their lives and also offers social security. Various applications are joined together by the government authorities to make the programs function more properly.

SamajikSuraksha Pension Yojana in Rajasthan
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The government of Rajasthan merged the Empowerment Department and Social Security to make the Social Security Pension Schemes work. According to the Article 41 of the Constitution of India, the country will provide public assistance to all the citizens whether he/she is destitute, aged, sick, disabled or from any other category. These aids can be provided within the limitations of the economic condition and development of the state. Thus, keeping in mind the needs of the citizens, Rajasthan government started Samajik Suraksha Pension Yojana. As per Government of India’s principles in 1995, the National Social Assistance Programme (NSAP) has to introduce to the National Policy for Social Assistance for the poor people.

Various Programs Joined in the Scheme

Samajik Suraksha Pension Yojana merged various diverse programs to get this yojana implemented in a good way.

  • The Mukhya Mantri Samman Pension Yojana which provides a maximum of Rs. 48,000 annually to the people who are eligible for this scheme and it is available for persons between the ages 55 to 58 years. All genders can obtain the advantage of this scheme.
  • The Mukhya Mantri Ekal Naari Pension Yojana also merged under this scheme. This scheme is specifically for divorced women and widows whose age is 18 or above. Its benefits are provided to the people with the household income of Rs. 48,000.
  • The Pradhan Mantri Special Gender Pension Yojana is one of the components of this scheme for the people having difficulties in their height and development. Individuals whose heights are less than three feet and six inches and known as dwarfs are eligible for this scheme. Their average annual earnings must be less than Rs. 60,000.
  • The INGARA Vridavastha Pension Yojana is provided to seniors belonging to BPL families and their age is 60 years or more. The purpose of this scheme is to involve more and more people under this scheme so there is no upper age limit. This scheme also includes widowers and physically disabled people.

Eligibility for the New Pension Program

Eligibility for the New Pension Program
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  • One must have been born and registered as citizen and member of Rajasthan state.
  • The applicant must have proper age eligibility to enter the scheme. Different applicants have different age groups. This scheme is open to the people regardless of their gender and class level. The benefits they get are based on the individual.

Handling the Application Form

The application form can be available online on the official website and here is the link to process the application online:

The application consists of the applicant’s name, age, contact info, address and other information. Appropriate identification evidence required at the time of enrolment in the scheme to confirm the applicant’s details.

Documents RequiredDocuments Required

The essential documents are required to get into the scheme which consists of identification proof and proof of date of birth etc.

  • The identification proof Aadhaar Card, PAN card or Residential Proof.
  • The date of birth proof can be a birth certificate or certificate of matriculation.
  • Bank account details also required because the scheme will be linked with the bank.
  • Proof of income to check the eligibility of the applicant.

All these documents are necessary to provide the complete benefits of this scheme.

Application Process

When the applicant visits the official site an application form is given. The applicant needs to fill login details and choose an eMitracenter. This will help the applicant get the physical place for management of the account. Around 40,000 places are provided in the state for this purpose. After completing the registration process, the verification process can take place.

How does the Verification Process work?

How does Verification Process work?
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The process done by acquiring the SDO or BDO of the state to review the data. They analyze the data and check whether the applicants are getting pay orders. A PPO analyzed accurately by them using a payment done in your bank account or post office.

Confirming one’s Status

The status of any applicant seen from the official website using the URL:

Reviewing the Program

Usually, the retirement programs came into existence to assist the individuals all over India by providing them financial support when they retire. The efforts made by these programs focus on fulfilling the financial requirements of the individuals.


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