SAMEER – Recruitment, Branches and Training

SAMEER – समीर

SAMEER stands for Society for Applied Microwave Electronics Engineering & Research. It came into existence In India in the year 1984, in Mumbai as an independent R & D laboratory. Get the info on Sameer Recruitment and Training Services.

The vision of SAMEER is achieving excellence and research based on the application in areas of RF/Microwave, Electromagnetic, and Electronics. The Sameer is administrated by the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY). Here you can get the centers along with the courses and more details.sameer

R & D Centers of Sameer

  • Mumbai

SAMEER Mumbai is located in Maharashtra state. It has been pursuing development and research in the in the following areas: Optoelectronics, Radar enabled instrumentation, medical Electronics, Microwave components and system, Remote sensing as well as Meteorology, Navigational Electronics, and several others. Several of its spin-offs and R&D outputs have found acceptance and applications in industry.

  • Kolkata

Among the three centers of SAMEER, SAMEER Kolkata is the newest one which is in West Bengal state. It came into existence in the year 1994.  It has been pursuing R&D projects in the fields of electromagnetic, antennas, Microwave/ RF components an also subsystems.

  • Chennai

SAMEER Chennai has been pursuing Development and Research, Consultancy, tests as well as evaluation programs in the fields of antennas, electromagnetic, EMC/EMI, thermal management, and communication in Tamil Nadu state.

Atmospheric Instruments Initiated by SAMEERsameer chennai

These are some of the atmospheric devices that SAMEER pioneered as well as developed:

  1. UHF Wind Profiler
  2. Doppler Sodar
  3. MST Radar
  4. Radio Theodolite

Visit the official website of SAMEER to know about SAMEER recruitment.

SAMEER and its Pillars

List of the Sameer institute course details. To get the full details of the course, visit the official website and get the more information. Get the contact details of the site listed below.

  • Medical electronics
  • Millimeter wave
  • Communications and IT
  • Photonics
  • Radar instrumentation
  • Electronics as well as antennas
  • High power RF and Microwave systems as well as components
  • Electronic design

GST Details of SAMEERsameer recruitment

Here, you can find the GST details of the Sameer with effect from the July 1st, 2017. The GST Registration numbers can be listed as below as by city name:

Centre Name GST registration numbers
Mumbai 27AALAS5825K1ZX
Chennai 33AALAS5825K1Z4
Kolkata 19AALAS5825K1ZU
Guwahati 18AALAS5825K1ZW
Visakhapatnam 37AALAS5825K1ZW
Centre Email Telephone numbers
Mumbai 022-27564056, 27593118/21
Chennai 044-22541897
Kolkata 033-23572856
Guwahati 0361-2583189
Visakhapatnam 0891-2733309

SAMEER Website: Click Here
Phone Number: (+91-22) 25727100
Fax Number: (+91-22) 25723254
Email Id:
IIT Campus, Powai,
Post Box No: 8448,
Mumbai, Maharashtra,
Pincode – 400076

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