Secunderabad to Guntur Trains

About Secunderabad to Guntur Trains

There are many trains between Secunderabad and Guntur, these two cities connect with a distance of 243 Kilometres, by train 384 Kilometres. You can travel on a daily basis  (or) weekly basis where trains will be available. Because of efficient rail connectivity traveling from Secunderabad (SC) to Guntur (GNT) is simple and easy.

Trains from Secunderabad (SC) to Guntur (GNT)

Train No. Train Name Type of Train From Secunderabad Secunderabad Platform No.  Departure Time To Guntur Guntur Platform No. Arrival Time
07607 Hazur Sahib Nanded – Tirupati Exp SC ? 00:40 TEL 0 08:10

Mumbai LTT – Kakinada Port Exp

Exp SC 1 02:00 GNT 0 07:25
57325 Kacheguda – Guntur Passenger Pass KCG* 3 05:10 GNT* 0 22:30
12796 Secunderabad – Vijayawada SF SC 1 05:30 GNT 1 09:40
07757 Secunderabad – Vijayawada SF SC 1 05:30 GNT 1 09:40
22850 Secunderabad – Shalimar SF Exp SF SC* 2 05:40 BZA 5 11:10
12774 Secunderabad – Shalimar AC SF ACSF SC* 2 05:40 BZA 4 11:10

Yesvantpur – Tatanagar Express

Exp SC 0 05:40 BZA 0 12:30
17406 Krishna Express Exp SC 6 06:05 TEL 3 13:58
12806 Janmabhoomi Express SF SC* 2 01:10 GNT 1 11:50
12513 Secunderabad – Guwahati SF Exp SF SC* 6 07:30 BZA ? 12:40
17149 Secunderabad – Guwahati Special Exp SC* 0 07:30 GNT 0 14:25
12706 Secunderabad – Guntur SF Inter SF SC* 1 07:40 GNT* 4 14:00
11019 Konark Express (PT) Exp SC 2,6 08:00 BZA 1 15:10

Sainagar Shirdi – Vijayawada 

Exp SC 1 09:20 BZA* 0 15:05
17205 Sainagar Shirdi – Kakinada Port Exp SC 6 09:20 BZA 5 15:05
18504 Sainagar Shirdi – Vishakapatnam Exp SC 9 09:20 BZA 0 16:30
18646 East Coast Express (PT) Exp SC 1 10:20 BZA 5 15:45
17203 Bhavnagar (T.) – Kakinada Port Exp SC 1 10:25 GNT 4 18:00
57651 Secunderabad – Repalle Passenger Pass SC* 3 10:50 GNT 0 17:00
17230 Sabari Express (PT) Exp SC 1 11:40 GNT 1 18:30

Nagarsol – Tirupati (via Guntur

Exp SC 3,5,6 12:05 GNT ? 21:15
17202 Golconda Express Exp SC* 3 13:00 GNT* 7 18:20
17438 Kacheguda – Tatanagar Special Exp MJF ? 13:17 GNT 0 18:20
07117 Hyderabad – Ernakulam Jn. Special Exp SC 4 13:20 GNT ? 08:45
57305 Kacheguda Guntur Passenger Pass KCG* 4 14:40 GNT* 0 20:00
12748 Palnadu SF Express SF SC 1 15:10 GNT* 3 20:25
12704 Falaknuma Express (PT) SF SC* 6,8 15:55 GNT 1 20:10
12714 Satavahana SF Express SF SC* 8 16:15 BZA* 3 23:05
18502 Secunderabad – Vishakapatnam  Exp SC* 2 16:30 BZA ? 23:45
17016 Visakha Express (PT) Exp SC* 1 16:50 GNT 1,3 22:55

Hyderabad – Chennai Central SF…

SF SC 1 17:15 GNT 1 01:07
12728 Godavari SF Express (PT) SF SC 9 17:40 BZA 7 01:37
12784 Secunderabad – Visakhapatnam  ACSF SC* 2 17:55 BZA 5 00:00
12734 Narayanadri SF Express (PT) SF SC* 1 18:05 GNT 1 00:55
12764 Padmavati SF Express (PT) SF SC* 1 18:30 TEL 3 00:55
12760 Charminar SF Express (PT) SF SC 3 18:55 TEL 3 01:10

Kacheguda – Visakhapatnam Special

Exp MJF 3 19:07 GNT 0 01:40
17425 Kacheguda – Kakinada Port Special Exp MJF 9  19:07 GNT 0 01:50
22204 Secunderabad – Visakhapatnam  Drnt SC* 1 20:15 BZA 5,6 03:20
12740 Secunderabad- Visakhapatnam GR SC* 2,3 20:30 BZA BZA 03:00
12776 Cocanada AC Express ACSF SC* 2 20:45 BZA 1 02:55

Mumbai LTT (Kurla) – Visakhapatnam

Exp SC 1 21:05 BZA 4 02:55
12738 Gowthami SF Express (PT) SF SC 1 21:15 BZA 6 03:40
7115 Hyderabad – Kochuveli Special Exp SC 1 21:40 GNT 7 03:40
22881 Pune – Bhubaneshwar Express SF SC 8 21:40 GNT 0 03:10
20812 Hazur Sahib Nanded – Visakhapatnam SF SC 8 21:50 BZA 0 04:25

Nagavali Express (PT)

SF SC 1 21:50 BZA 5 04:10
17256 Hyderabad-Narasapur Express Exp SC 2 22:10 GNT 1 05:04
12750 Bidar – Machilipatnam SF Expre… SF SC 3 22:30 BZA 4 05:22

Kacheguda – Repalle (Delta) Exp

Exp MJF ? 22:30 GNT 4 05:22
12710 Simhapuri SF Express (PT) SF SC* 10 22:55 GNT 3 05:35
17214 Nagarsol – Narsapur (Via Warangal Exp SC 8  23:20 BZA 0 06:20
17232 Nagarsol – Narasapur Express Exp SC 0  23:20 GNT 0 04:50

For details regarding Train Between Stations of Secunderabad to Guntur, to Spot your Train of sc to GNT,  PNR Status of Secunderabad and Guntur, for Trains Cancelled/Rescheduled, to know the train Schedule, IR Train Tracking visit National Train Enquiry System Official Website:

And also

Secunderabad to Guntur Trains Fare

  • For Sleeper Class (SL) the Secunderabad (SC) to Guntur (GNT) Trains Fare is about Rs. 190 to Rs. 225
  • For Third Class AC (3A) the Secunderabad (SC) to Guntur (GNT) Trains Fare is about Rs. 445 to Rs. 540
  • For Second Class AC (2A) the Secunderabad (SC) to Guntur (GNT) Trains Fare is about Rs. 700 to Rs. 745
  • For First Class AC (1A) the Secunderabad (SC) to Guntur (GNT) Trains Fare is about Rs. 1165 to Rs. 1145
  • For more details regarding Secunderabad Junction(SC) to Guntur (GNT) Trains Fare information and IRCTC Tickets discount offers Visit:

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Secunderabad to Other Destination Places Trains


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