List of Telangana Districts, District Maps & District Websites

Telangana Districts, Telangana District Maps & Official Web portal information : Here is the List of Telangana Districts, district wise maps, and their official website information. Here from these official district portals, anyone can access the updates related to respective districts like Departments & officials information, Profile, Plans, news & updates, etc. Get the information … Read more

31 Districts of Telangana

List of 31 Districts of Telangana One of the epic behind The name “Telangana” was to the word Tri-linga Desha, due to the presence of three ancient Lord Shiva Temples at Srisailam, Kaleshwaram and Draksharamam. One more historic reason is that during the rule of Nizams, the state was known as Telugu Angana (means Telugu … Read more

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