About Tirupati (TPTY) to Secunderabad (SC) Trains
There are many trains in between Tirupati and Secunderabad, these two cities connects with a distance of 644.43 km. You can travel on daily basis where 01 train will be available (or) weekly basis where 07 trains will be available. Because of efficient rail connectivity travelling from Tirupati (TPTY) to Secunderabad (SC) is simple and easy.
Tirupati to Secunderabad Trains Fare Information
Fares for AMI TPTY SUP Express(12766) between Kacheguda and Tirupati
Class |
Children(5-11) |
Adult(12+) |
Senior citizen Female(58+) |
Senior Citizen Male(60+) |
Second AC(2A) | 655 | 1245 | 650 | 770 |
Third AC(3A) | 475 | 875 | 470 | 550 |
Sleeper Class(SL) | 190 | 340 | 190 | 220 |
Fares for SC TPTY SUP Express(12732) from Secunderabad to Tirupati
Class |
Children(5-11) |
Adult(12+) |
Senior citizen Female(58+) |
Senior Citizen Male(60+) |
Second AC(2A) | 710 | 1355 | 710 | 840 |
Third AC(3A) | 505 | 950 | 505 | 595 |
Sleeper Class(SL) | 205 | 365 | 205 | 235 |
Fares for Sabari Express(17230) between Hyderabad Deccan and Tirupati
Class |
Children(5-11) |
Adult(12+) |
Senior citizen Female(58+) |
Senior Citizen Male(60+) |
Third AC(3A) | 445 | 820 | 425 | 505 |
Sleeper Class (SL) | 165 | 310 | 165 | 195 |
Second AC(2A) | 625 | 1175 | 600 | 715 |
Fares for Rameswaram Express(16734) from Kacheguda to Tirupati
Class |
Children(5-11) |
Adult(12+) |
Senior citizen Female(58+) |
Senior Citizen Male(60+) |
Second AC(2A) | 625 | 1125 | 580 | 690 |
Third AC(3A) | 445 | 785 | 405 | 485 |
Sleeper Class(SL) | 160 | 300 | 160 | 190 |
Fares for Padmavathi Express(12764) from Secunderabad to Tirupati
Class |
Children(5-11) |
Adult(12+) |
Senior citizen Female(58+) |
Senior Citizen Male(60+) |
Second AC(2A) | 670 | 1280 | 670 | 790 |
Third AC(3A) | 480 | 900 | 480 | 565 |
Sleeper Class(SL) | 195 | 350 | 195 | 225 |
Fares for Venkatadri Express(12797) between Kacheguda and Tirupati
Class |
Children(5-11) |
Adult(12+) |
Senior citizen Female(58+) |
Senior Citizen Male(60+) |
Third AC(3A) | 475 | 820 | 440 | 515 |
First AC(1A) | 1110 | 1965 | 1030 | 1215 |
Second AC(2A) | 655 | 1155 | 610 | 720 |
Sleeper Class(SL) | 180 | 320 | 180 | 210 |
- For more details regarding Tirupati (TPTY) to Secunderabad Junction(SC) Trains Fare information and IRCTC Tickets discount offers Visit: https://www.irctc.co.in
Trains From Tirupati to Secunderabad
Train No. | Name of the Train | Type of Train | From Tirupati | Tirupati Platform No. | Departure Time | To Secund-erabad | Secund-erabad Platform No. | Arrival Time |
17229 | Sabari Express (PT) | Exp | TPTY | 1 | 00:35 | SC | 9 | 12:15 |
17616 | Madurai – Kacheguda Weekly Express | Exp | PAK | 1 | 00:45 | KCG* | 1 | 14:00 |
16354 | Nagercoil – Kacheguda Weekly | Exp | TPTY | 1 | 01:10 | KCG* | 3 | 14:00 |
17116 | Kochuveli – Hyderabad Special | Exp | TPTY | 1 | 02:20 | SC | 9 | 13:20 |
17405 | Krishna Express | Exp | TPTY* | 1 | 05:25 | SC | 6 | 20:40 |
12707 | Andhra Pradesh Sampark Kranti | SKr | TPTY* | 2,3 | 05:40 | KCG | 1 | 17:05 |
17417 | Tirupati – Sainagar Shirdi Weekly | Exp | TPTY* | 3 | 07:00 | SC | 4 | 21:00 |
17417 | Tirupati – Nagarsol (via Guntur | Exp | TPTY* | 0 | 07:30 | SC | 0 | 20:15 |
17118 | Ernakulam Jn. – Hyderabad Special | Exp | TPTY | 0 | 09:35 | SC | 0 | 22:20 |
16733 | Rameswaram – Okha Express (PT) | Exp | TPTY | 0 | 11:10 | KCG | 1 | 23:40 |
16003 | Chennai Central – Nagarsol Weekly | Exp | RU | 00:00 | 11:35 | MJF | 3 | 00:24 |
17605 | Mangaluru Central – Kacheguda | Exp | RU | 1 | 11:55 | KCG* | 5 | 23:50 |
12765 | Tirupati – Amravati SF Express | SF | TPTY* | 00:00 | 15:10 | KCG | 1 | 03:50 |
12769 | Seven Hills SF Express | SF | TPTY* | 2 | 15:10 | SC* | 8 | 04:05 |
17608 | Tirupati – Hazur Sahib Nanded … | Exp | TPTY* | 0 | 15:45 | SC | ?? | 04:30 |
12793 | Rayalaseema SF Express | SF | TPTY* | 5 | 16:25 | SC | 9,10 | 05:15 |
12731 | Tirupati – Secunderabad Superfast | SF | TPTY* | 3 | 16:40 | SC* | 5 | 07:05 |
12763 | Padmavati SF Express (PT) | SF | TPTY* | 2,3,4 | 17:00 | SC* | 1 | 05:50 |
17146 | Tirupati – Kacheguda Special fast | Exp | TPTY* | 2 | 17:00 | KCG* | 2 | 06:30 |
22705 | Tirupati – Jammu Tawi HumSafar | Hms | TPTY* | 3 | 17:15 | SC | 4 | 06:55 |
12733 | Narayanadri SF Express (PT) | SF | TPTY* | 3 | 18:25 | SC* | 8 | 06:25 |
12798 | Venkatadri SF Express (PT) | SF | TPTY | 1 | 18:35 | KCG* | 2 | 06:20 |
17651 | Chengalpattu – Kacheguda Express | Exp | RU | 1 | 20:10 | KCG* | 3 | 07:55 |
For details regarding to Train Between Stations of Tirupati to secunderabad, PNR Status of Tirupati and secunderabad, to Spot your Train of TPTY to SC, for Trains Cancelled/Rescheduled, to know the train Schedule, IR Train Tracking visit National Train Enquiry System Official Website: https://enquiry.indianrail.gov.in
And also https://enquiry.indianrail.gov.in/xyzabc