Top 10 Best 4G WiFi Dongles
The high-speed internet services with plug & play concept had reached to every common man in the real world by the entry of dongles & internet data cards. Now without restriction to the area of availability of cable user can move the dongle to access the internet anywhere best for laptops. Dongles are the device with wifi features having sensors to receive & transmit the data signals & looks like a normal pen drive small in size. Used to connect them using USB slots. Here you can find the Top 10 Best 4G WiFi Dongles in India.
The 4g internet means FOURTH Generation of internet in India with goals to speed up the internet, data services & make it to reach to every common to utilize its services to move them towards the world of internet to use it efficiently for all types of needs like browse information, news, online shopping, internet banking from Nationalized Banks and International Banks, online bill payment, online education, online study courses and many more uses.
To make the above possible different companies launched 4g dongles & data cards with respective standards.
List of top best 4g wifi dongles:
TP-Link TL -MR3020 Mini Pocket 3G/4G Router
Price INR 1,289
iBall 21.0 MP-58 Wi-Fi ready Airway Data Card
Price INR 1,179
Huawei 4G Dongle
Price INR 1,999
Reliance Jio Supported Airtel Unlocked E3372h- 607
Price INR 1,948
Huawei E3372 LTE / 4G USB Dongle
Price INR 2,772
TP-Link TL- WN722N Wireless USB Adapter
Tata Photon Max WiFi 4G
Tata photon was one of the most commonly used internet services in India
Price INR 1,990
Reliance Jio Wi – Fi M2 Wireless Data Card
Reliance Jio brought revolutionary chance in the Indian history by providing its high-speed internet services to the common man in the country with minimum charges. The jio encouraged users to use internet services very effectively by providing jio phone with 4g features & wireless data cards
Price INR 2,499
Airtel 4G Hotspot
Bharathi Airtel introduces the new era of 4g internet services through airtel 4g hotspot device for high-speed internet for its customers
Price INR 1,499
Huawei Unlocked E8372 4G / LTE Wifi Dongle
Huawei provides high-quality wifi devices all over the world
Price INR 3,100