Explore the UP Minority Welfare Department

What is UP Minority Welfare?

UP Minority Welfare is nothing but the systematic upliftment of various minority communities. There are basically two kinds of minority communities such as minority religious community and minority linguistic community. Muslims, Buddhists, Sikhs, Christians, Jains and Parsis come under the minority religious community.

Minority Welfare UP
Image Source: minoritywelfare.up.nic.in

More on UP Minority Welfare

Ministry of Minority Affairs is such a ministry of Government of India that governs and controls all the things and affairs of minority welfare. This UP government body was established in the year 2006. It is there to organize and control various regulatory and governmental programmes for India’s minority communities. Their sole purpose is to improve the UP minority community.

Programmes for the upliftment of minorities

There are plenty of programmes taken into consideration for the development of minority welfare UP. There are 15 point programmes for the minorities taken by the Honourable  Prime Minister Narendra Modi.  If you want to explore more about such government schemes in details, then you need to visit the official portal. Some of the points described below.

UP Minority Welfare
Image Source: minoritywelfare.up.nic.in
  • The equitable availability of Integrated Child Development Services. This program mainly aims at developing the lives of children and lactating/pregnant mothers from the minorities.
  • Proper improvement of the school education by implementing different Government schemes such as Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidhyalaya scheme, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan as well as various other similar schemes.
  • Providing better resources for the teaching of Urdu language. Employing skilled Urdu language teachers in the primary and the upper primary schools in rural areas that come under this language group.
  • Modernizing and developing Madrasa Education by providing basic educational resources and infrastructure.
  • Providing scholarships to the meritorious students from the minority communities and inspiring them to go for higher studies.
  • Improving and developing the educational infrastructure through Maulana Azad Education Foundation.
  • Wage Employment and Self Employment for poor.
  • The upgrading and development of the skill through effective technical training. It includes opening new ITIs in different areas that primarily inhabited by the minority communities.
  • Enhancing the credit card support for the economic activities of minorities.
  • Providing equitable shares in the rural housing schemes.
  • Proper recruitment of minorities to the State and Central Services.
  • Improvement and development in the condition of the slums that inhabited by the minority communities.
UP Minority
Image Source: minoritywelfare.up.nic.in

Also know the “For Centrally Sponsored Scholarship schemes Merit cum Means, Post Matric, Pre Matric” here: http://www.minorityaffairs.gov.in/schemesperformance/scholarship-schemes

Important Details of Minorities Welfare UP

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