is a very popular website amongst those who love to download free music and videos; although there are many different ways to download songs and videos for free, keepvid provides a simple and hassle-free way to download songs and videos.
Is downloading songs and videos from keepvid completely free?
It is a misconception amongst many that downloading songs and videos from keepvid is absolutely free. But it is not. Keepvid does not provide clear instructions regarding their charges. But downloading high-quality videos might charge you.
You can even listen to online songs and watch online videos on keep-vid. It is a kind of a YouTube downloader.
Will my device attacked by virus or malware after installing keepvid?
Some users have reported that they have faced virus attacks after downloading keepvid on their device. Also when the click on something while searching something on the internet they redirected to a page which has nothing to do with the thing that they have searched. Getting pop-ups on various websites also increased after installing keep-vid. Users are concerned whether their personal information on the device is going to be safe after installing keep-vid.
Downloading free music by clicking random download buttons is the prime reason for these viruses and malware. These viruses might infect your device anytime, for example when you are downloading something or listening or watching or something online. Installing third party software might also lead to these virus attacks. If these kinds of problems persist then you should switch to an alternative of software like keep-vid.
What to do when your device is virus infected sue to keep-vid software?
You can use antivirus and anti-malware software to get rid of these viruses and malware and malicious files. You can fix your internet browser settings and also uninstall other third party software.
Or, you can directly uninstall the keep-vid software to eradicate the root of the virus and malware problems.
Sometimes these methods are not enough to get rid of the unwanted virus and malware. In that total cleaning of the device is necessary. You can also use alternatives to this software which are virus free and ad-free. There are thousands of other music and video downloaders that will serve your purpose. There are various other YouTube downloader available on the internet that recommended by many other users. You just have to browse the internet a bit to find the suitable downloader. Website: